
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Imperial Princess

The sun was already high but Damian was still busy with his dreams and Theo just stared at the scorching sky. Theo was still thinking about last night's events, the memory of the girl acting as if she was running away.

It wasn't just instinct but Theo realized it when he saw the girl's sobbing eyes at the end of their meeting. The reason the girl was in the Four Seasons Forest might have been also because of the necklace around her neck. And Theo could see what stone was on the girl's necklace.

The legendary stone of Antalenta Country has been coveted by everyone and it is said that the stone is owned by an Imperial Princess. Theo was surprised, his eyes rounded because he just realized this. Why didn't he realize that the stone on the necklace was rare and there was only one in this world?

If it was a rare stone, then that girl was the Imperial Princess who was declared to have run away one month ago. The first stone is dark purple but if it is exposed to the moonlight it will emit a golden light that is so beautiful.

Why was he so stupid and left the girl he believed to be the Imperial Princess in the four seasons forest alone. Theo ruffled his hair with his eyes closed feeling confused "Damian wake up!!!" shouted Theo gripping Damian's arm tightly.

"Hey!! It hurts you know!!!" Damian was annoyed he felt his arm that was about to break because of Theo's actions.

"We have to find the girl," Theo said panicking about the fate of the runaway Imperial Princess.

Damian jerked Theo's hand with a sharp look, it was clear he was annoyed that his sleep was disturbed. But what made him even more annoyed was that Theo's words were very useless. He really shouldn't have left the girl, it's just that he was too lazy to argue last night.

He was tired of being sensitive to women's feelings, he was a man who was insensitive to women's feelings. And according to Damian, it was a troublesome and annoying thing for him to deal with.

"She's Imperial Princess Damian, don't you feel sorry for her that a princess is in a forest full of monsters like this" Theo kept saying a worry to the girl but what did Damian care.

Granted he was part of the empire, he was just another guy from another world who accidentally got trapped here because of a crazy girl. If only he could find the girl, surely he would teach the girl a lesson and make her no longer do useless things like this.

"Look for yourself if you're worried, I want to sleep" Damian replied lying back down because he thought sleeping was a very pleasant thing for him.

Especially when there weren't any monsters attacking them like this and Damian felt that this was such an exciting day for him. He who used to live in a world that was always after the treasure was now faced with a world that was calm even though there were monsters.

But that was better than him having to constantly put on a mask and act like someone else. It was so sickening that he had to appear to care about other people. Even though in the end life is always like that, nothing has changed much even though he lives in this world isn't it?

"Hope you die soon!!"

Theo cursed after saying those words and immediately left Damian who was diving into a dream. Theo's steps seemed fast he was very sure that the girl would not go far. With the hope that the girl is still there.

His beads looked around, which was only filled with trees and trees without anything else. This is indeed a forest but after a while, Theo got bored if he had to just look at the trees here. With a rough breath, Theo could see a girl sitting with both hands touching a fresh apple.

Theo immediately ran to the girl who was surprised by her presence "finally found" Theo said with his widest smile.


The girl was surprised to stare in disbelief that the man who left her last night was looking for her. Even so, his eyes searched behind the man, but she couldn't find what he was looking for. Is it possible if the man will search, it looks like it will never happen?

"Are you okay?" asked Theo looking at the girl who looked disappointed.

"I'm okay"

Only a short answer Theo got but Theo didn't care and reached out his hand for the girl to grab. The green-haired girl returned Theo's outstretched hand before she started to stand up with her eyes fixed on the two men standing not far from their location.

"Nora, Harry" the girl called with her lemon yellow beads sparkling with delight.

"Princess Catherine, you are safe" the two men run with happy faces towards descendant of the Empire.

And Theo immediately smiled that his guess was correct if that girl was the Imperial Princess who run away one month ago. He did get stuck in the jungle for season four but that was two weeks ago and Princess Catherine had escaped by now.

"It turns out that my guess is correct that you are the Imperial Princess" Theo smiled sweetly "nice to meet you, Princess," Theo said bowing to greet the woman.

The girl was immediately surprised to glare at Nora who easily called her name when there were strangers around them. What should she do now, obviously she will be brought to the palace and then be married to the son of the Duke who is stupid and bad.

She didn't want to end badly by being the wife of that idiot, and Catherine immediately hid behind Harry's sword-drawing body.

Theo was surprised to see the long sword that was right on his neck, Harry's gaze was sharp and Theo realized that "it turns out you intend to kill me, it turns out Damian is right if worrying about strangers is troublesome"

Theo said that with a short laugh at his current carelessness. His intentions are certainly good to help the girl but he will only be killed by the girl's bodyguard.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" Nora answered with a beaded stare at Theo who raised an eyebrow.

"Ah.. you want to know, then introduce my name Theo, a friend of the person who helped the girl from danger," said Theo looking sadly as if he would end up dying just because of something embarrassing like this.

Theo sighed and immediately cast his magic with a big smile "see you later Princess"