
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Damian backed away pulling Theo who was seen pulling out a sword to fight the monster. Was there a monster in this world, he felt bad considering he had never faced a monster so far.

The form of the monster looks scary, its body is big with a head like a tiger. Its fangs were extremely long, and Damian was certain they were over a meter long. The monster was about eight meters tall and Damian immediately shuddered at the sight of the monster.

"You can't fight?"

Of course, Theo was surprised, how could someone who entered the forest of the four seasons not be able to fight. Obviously to enter the place requires great magic. Was it true that Damian was lost, he thought Damian was just lying to him earlier.

"What!? Fight! You're crazy to want to fight a monster of that size, even if one is still a monster!"

Damian panicked he immediately run away leaving Theo who shook his head slowly seeing Damian's behavior "what can I do" said Theo shrugging his shoulders.

Theo stared intently at the monster, the right hand holding a shining magic sword appeared a blazing bright red color. Damian was shocked but he was also amazed at what he had just seen.

It didn't seem like he had transmigrated in an ordinary place, this was a place full of fantasy. It felt like Damian wasn't sure he'd be able to get out of this place alive. Moreover, he had not read all the orange-bound books. Looks like he needs to find out soon enough.

Theo and the monster fought to ignore Damian who was focused on his book. His beads moved quickly reading every word that was written there. Feeling that he would not get Theo's help, he continued to struggle, glancing at Damian who could read books at a time like this.

'Really that boy!'

He swung his sword swiftly, creating a flash of fire that burned the monster's body. Theo wiped his sweat looking annoyed that he had to fight with quite a troublesome monster this time.

Usually only small monsters he encountered and then finished quickly without fear of running out of mana. Had he been unlucky today, it seemed his meeting with Damian had a big impact. Even though he followed Damian out of fear that that person would kill himself.

Judging from the strange clothes and the panicked look on Damian's face, it was clear Theo knew the man had run away from home. Even though it's not clear what the man wants but if you can't use mana isn't that worse. It seemed he had to follow the man out of the forest this season four.

Theo continued to fight even his body was exhausted, was this monster really that strong. The feeling he had never used this much mana "I could die at this rate"

His breath began to fall apart with sweat dripping down his entire body. Why is he unlucky at a time like this, it seems he will indeed die if he doesn't run away. But looking at Damian he wasn't sure that Damian could run far.

Theo's body was thrown against a large tree, the monster's steps were getting closer and Theo was starting to get scared. His body was difficult to move but Theo tried to run away as best he could until an explosion took Theo by surprise.

That black flash made Theo turn to look at Damian who was smiling triumphantly. Did she just not see that the strange man she met could use mana.

"It's not in vain that I read the book," Damian said approaching Theo who glanced at Damian's orange book.

"What's in it?"

"I don't know clearly, I only read what I needed" Damian's answer made Theo confused.

But Theo didn't care because Damian's attack was able to kill the monsters in front of them "but I still don't know your name?" Theo asked looking at Damian who was staring at him blankly.

Looks like Damian forgot to introduce himself because he was too focused on what happened to him "my name is Damian and I'm from another dimension"

Theo was shocked to stare in disbelief at what he had just heard "how is that possible?"

"I don't know the exact details but it seems I'm stranded here because of the woman in my dream"

Damian only guessed, the memory of the kiss he had from that woman made him believe that she had something to do with him being here. Although not sure, Damian will find out later "so what do you call this country?" Damian asked looking at Theo who came back to his senses.

"Ah.. Antalenta country" replied Theo "then where did you come from?" It was Theo who asked looking at Damian who looked unconcerned.

"You won't know even if I tell you" Damian's answer made Theo snort, it felt like he would only get a test of patience if he was with this man.

"Okay, now tell me what is the Four Seasons Forest and why are there monsters here? Then why can't we just get out of this forest?"

Damian was curious, but he could tell everything from books. But Damian prefers to hear directly than to bother reading. The two of them sat quietly enjoying the day that had begun with Theo's explanation of this world to Damian.

"How? Do you understand now?" asked Theo looking at Damian who nodded with certainty.

From what Damian had heard, in this world, anyone could use magic. And in this world, too many monsters live in the four seasons forest. No one knows for sure the reason the monsters only exist in this forest and the reason why if people who enter there can't get out easily.

And it seems Damian also has to be ready if he is disturbed by monsters while sleeping. If it's a small monster maybe Damian won't be a problem but if it's a big monster like earlier, it's going to be troublesome for him. Even after he was able to use the magic earlier, he felt the need to be a little tired from using his power on the monster earlier.

"Then we'll find something to eat before it's too late," said Theo, rising from his seat, looking around the quiet and peaceful surroundings.

The two of them walked to look for trees that were producing fruit until they found a fresh apple tree "seems to be sweet" Damian said jumping easily.

Besides being able to use mana, his body became lighter and Damian liked that. Even though he was still upset because of the woman who kissed him he had to be in a place like this. It was true that the woman had apologized but still, Damian felt annoyed and angry.

Anyway he has to find that woman and he has to avenge what he did to her 'you chose the wrong opponent'