

As Luke absentmindedly rocked his chair back and forth, he tapped the pen against the hand rest, his eyes glued to a comment on his computer screen. "Are Kali and Zyion really together?" he mumbled to himself, lost in thought.

With a slight frown, he absentmindedly poked the pen against his cheek. "What could top that...?" he wondered aloud, his mind racing with various possibilities.

"Ughh what am I doing?!" He settles the pen down on his desk

Suddenly, he realized how distracted he was when a familiar voice broke his reverie. "Well, it better be work," the stern voice warned him "Ma'am!" prompting Luke to straighten up frantically. "Yes, Ma'am! Of course!" he stammered, feeling the weight of his boss's scrutiny.

She raise an eyebrow perhaps doubting his words

Quickly, he pulled up a tab on his computer, displaying a list of potential headlines "I was brainstorming on all the potential heads that we would be able to use..."

His boss leaned closer, her skepticism evident as she read the titles. "Zyion fights with Kali, Paradise turned Hell? Noé seen at a hotel with a large corporate CEO? Friends with benefits or more..."

She leans against the wall behind and has their eyebrows raised, intrigued "Isn't this all just baseless assumptions?"

Luke explained, his voice trailing off as he defended his choices. "Some of them are based on connections I've reached out to and rumors I've heard," he added, hoping to justify his selections.

"Hmm," she murmured, clearly contemplating his words. "Let's hope your sources are reliable," she said, her tone firm, emphasizing the importance of accuracy.

"Yes Ma'am." Luke responded, his determination evident.

With a warning finger pointed in his direction, she cautioned "No excuses." She looks straight at him "Got it!"

Luke nods but doesn't say a word, silently promising to uphold her trust

He watches her walks off before slumping down on his table, letting out a heavy sigh.

After work, Luke decided to visit a café he had been meaning to try.

Seated at the counter, he was lost in his thoughts when a friendly barista greeted him, asking "Welcome to Hyez Café, what are we feeling today?"

"...Like digging an incredibly deep hole and bury that annoying women in it." he mumbled to himself, his frustration evident.

His statement hung in the air, causing the people nearby to shift uncomfortably, clearly taken aback by his words. Panicking, Luke tried to salvage the situation. "I... meant... what drink am I feeling today," he stammered, his face turning beet red with embarrassment.

"Oh." He slaps himself on the forehead "No you see...hypothetically..." he stops then starts again "I didn't mean..." clearly there was no way he could save himself from that awkward situation

"Try the chestnut praline latte with oat milk." A silvery voice beside him suggests, leaning their shoulders closer

He looks over, a girl with long silver hair that drapes beautifully behind her clothes, wearing a black baseball cap

"Chestnut praline latte with oat milk, please."

The waiter squints his eyes, clearly wary of Luke "...Coming right up."

A huge sigh of relief escaped his lips "Thank you..." genuinely grateful for the intervention.

"Pleasure." she responded, her tone warm.

he turns on his seat, eager to make amends for his earlier awkwardness, Luke extended his hand for a handshake. "I'm Luke," he said, only to freeze as he recognized her.

"Noé, nice to meet you, mystery-grapher," she said, laughing gently at his surprised expression.

"You know me?" Luke asked incredulously, unable to believe he was sitting next to the infamous Noé.

Tilting her head, she replied, "Kinda hard to miss, after the whole situation at Nix."

"Ah... right," Luke said, feeling a mix of embarrassment and awe in her presence. He mentally scolded himself for his earlier social blunder.

Leaning in, Noé brought her voice down to a whisper "Could you... maybe... try not to freeze too long?"

"Right," Luke replied, forcing himself to relax and meet her gaze. "Sorry, you're trying to stay low key."

She laughed, her melodic laughter putting him at ease. "Lowkey enough for you?" she teased, standing up and twirling slightly to show off her outfit.

"Absolutely," Luke replied "The lowest of keys—"

She covered her mouth to stifle her laughter, finding his comment amusing.

Realizing his unintentional pun, Luke groaned and slapped his forehead. "Idiot!" he muttered, chagrined. He looked at her and managed a shy smile "It's- don't worry, you can laugh."

"No, no..." she reassures "It's endearing." Smiling

A shy smile curved into the corner of his lips

"Hey, you're finally smiling," Noé observed, leaning forward to get a better look at his face. "You were in your own world just now."

"Yeah... that," Luke said, tapping lightly on the table, his nerves still evident.

Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, Noé said, "Hey, no pressure. We all have bad days."

Luke sighed, his eyes locked onto hers, both of them finding comfort in the silent understanding that passed between them.

"Chestnut praline latte with oat milk?" A voice broke both of them out of their trance

Noé pulled away first and pulls her cap lower to cover her face, a slight blush visible on her cheeks.

"Uh... yeah. Thank you," Luke said awkwardly, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. The barista nodded, not saying anything more. As she walked away, Noé and Luke exchanged amused glances, falling into giggles at the awkwardness of the situation.

Taking a sip of his newly ordered drink, Luke's eyes widened in delight.

"Hmm...?" Noé looked at his drink, her eyes lighting up. "Oh, delicious right?!"

Blinking his eyes in disbelief "I've totally been missing out!"

She tilted her head, intrigued. "What's your usual?"

Sipping on his drink he hurries "Oh" wiping the drink that almost drip out of his mouth "Just the basic, Americano."

"That's what my dad always drinks," she said with a smile.

Once they had settled down, Noé apologized, her eyes sincere. "I'm...sorry for just now."

"Hmm?" Luke looked puzzled.

"You know, the..." she motioned her hand towards his shoulder, her words trailing off.

Understanding, he nodded. "Oh...uh... Don't worry about it." He looked around, searching for words. "I liked it," he blurted out, surprised by his own confession.

Saved by the ringtone, Noé was distracted by her phone to hear what nonsense he had just spouted.

Picking up the phone, Luke overhears urgent voices over the phone "Yeah, ok, I'm on my way." she begin picking up her stuffs "Wait for me." ending the phone call it was evident that she was in a rush

Even so, she took her time and look guiltily at Luke "I'm sorry for this."

"No, no, it's okay. Go," Luke assured her

"Okay..." She headed toward the door but suddenly stopped, turning back. She rummaged through her bag and handed Luke a piece of paper and a pen. "I know this is sudden, but could I have your number, Luke?"

Blinking in disbelief, Luke took the pen and paper and quickly scribbled down his number. "Here," he said, handing it back to her.

"Great!" She smiled, genuinely pleased.

"I'll call you. Bye for now," she said as she walked towards the exit, her silver hair catching the light as she moved.

Even after Noé had left the café, Luke still couldn't believe his luck. "Noé asked for my phone number," he whispered to himself, his voice growing louder with his excitement. "She asked for my phone number! She asked me for my phone number!" Unable to contain his joy, he got up from his seat and shouted in excitement.

Once he realize it, all eyes were on him "Oh uh..."

"Ehem!" A stern sound came from the back of the counter. Luke turned to see the manager standing there, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, looking straight at him.

Sheepishly, he gathered his belongings and raised his hand in apology. "I... am truly sorry..." With all eyes still on him, he awkwardly walked backward toward the door.

Accidentally bumping into the door, he made a loud noise. "I'm sorry," he said hastily, opening the door. "I'll go now." He quickly left the store, his face still flushed with embarrassment but his heart soaring with happiness.