

In the sleek, polished conference room of Heston Media Group, the CEO, Mr. Heston, sat at the head of a long, glass table. The meeting room was tense, filled with the hushed murmurs of corporate executives; everyone in the room could feel the weight of the situation. Mr. Heston, the stern-faced CEO, presided over the gathering with a sense of urgency.

The buzz surrounding Zyion and Kali had grown to a deafening roar, and it was threatening the reputation of the entire entertainment Agency. Noé along with other key executives, anxiously awaited the CEO's words. The room was adorned with large windows that offered a panoramic view of the city below, but nobody was paying attention to the scenery.

"Alright, let's get down to business," Mr. Heston's voice cuts through the room, demanding attention.

"We need a concrete plan to address this rumor. It's affecting not only Zyion and Kali but the company's image as well."

"I've called this meeting to brainstorm solutions. We need to protect our artists, our company, and the integrity of the entertainment industry as a whole."

One of the company's executive Mr. Lee suggest "What if we issue a joint statement from Noé and Kali denying the rumours? We can post it on our official social media channels and specifically Kali's personal account. It might help clarify things."

Mr. Heston nodded, considering the suggestion. "That's a good start, Lee. But we need something more impactful. We can't just rely on denials; we need to turn this situation around."

One executive, Ms. Simmons, proposed, "We could issue a joint statement from Zyion and Kali, denying the rumours and emphasizing their professional relationship."

Mr. Heston nodded in agreement. "We're getting there but we need to make it clear to the public that there is no romantic involvement between them."

Noé who has been silently observing the meeting, voiced "What if Zyion and Kali make a separate appearance on two different shows each explaining their side of the story, that way we could quell the speculation temporarily."

Mr. Heston seemed intrigued by the idea. "Yes, that might work. But we need to act fast. Time is of the essence here. Let's get the event planned immediately."

While the discussion continued, Mr. Kyle's assistant Orion's phone buzzed with a notification. Glancing down, he saw a news alert from the entertainment industry gossip site, "StarStream." His eyes widened as he read the headline.

"Breaking!! : Rising Star Maya Hernandez Announces Leaving the Agency Amidst Scandal!"

Orion gasped, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. He quickly opened the article to find out more. It appeared that Maya Hernandez, a talented young artist under the same entertainment agency, had abruptly terminated her contract due to undisclosed reasons.

The room fell into a stunned silence as all eyes turned to the Secretary. Mr. Heston, his face pale, demanded, "What happened?"

The intern swallowed hard before speaking, her voice shaky, "There's a video circulating online of one of Maya's live, announcing that she's leaving the Agency."

Mr. Heston face paled, visibly alarmed. "This is not good. We're already dealing with one scandal, and now Maya leaving the agency will only add fuel to the fire."

At this moment Noé's mind raced with possibilities. Could Maya's departure be related to the escalating rumours surrounding Zyion and Kali? She just couldn't ignore the coincidence.

At this moment, Simmons suggested "I think we need to investigate the cause behind Maya's departure," his expression serious. "There might be a connection to the ongoing situation with Zyion and Kali. If we can address the root cause, we might be able to do damage control."

Mr. Heston nodded, appreciating Simmons's insight. "Agreed. Let's assign a team to look into Maya's departure discreetly. We need to know if there's any correlation with the rumours circulating in the media." He said concluding the meeting.

Inside Noé's recording studio, she tapped on her phone while lightly spinning around in her dark grey leather swivel chair, which seamlessly matched the overall vibe of the room. White neon lights lined up neatly against the corners of her walls, casting a moody ambiance that enveloped the entire space.

Despite the serene surroundings, Noé struggled to concentrate. Recent events had made it increasingly difficult for her to focus on her work. Her mind kept drifting back to the unsettling rumors surrounding Zyion and Kali's relationship, and the sudden news about Maya Hernandez leaving the agency weighed heavily on her thoughts.

The memory of Kali's worried expression haunted her, the weight of the rumors bearing down on their lives - it all weighed heavily on Noé's heart.

The soft melody of a piano piece played in the background—a composition she had been working on for weeks. Music had always been her sanctuary, a place where she could freely express her emotions.

However, even the music couldn't drown out the growing concerns. The situation with Zyion and Kali had escalated far beyond what she had anticipated. As she opened her eyes, her gaze fell upon the framed picture of her, Zyion, and Kali on the studio wall. They appeared carefree and happy in that moment, a stark contrast to the reality outside the studio's walls.

The creak of her studio door opening pulled her back to the present. It was Kali, wrapped up in a thick black hoodie and wearing a black bucket hat, her eyes clearly swollen from crying. Noé instantly got up and hugged Kali, a silent gesture of support.

After a while, Noé managed to settle Kali on the black leather couch in her studio, waiting patiently for her to share what had happened.

Kali sniffled, her voice trembling. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier."

Noé gently took Kali's hand into hers, smiling reassuringly. "It's okay. Take your time. What happened?"

"My family called," Kali began, her voice strained. "They say they're fine, but I can hear it in their voices... and I've seen the comments threatening them online."

Noé squeezed Kali's hand gently, her eyes reflecting concern and empathy. "I'm glad to hear your family is safe, Kali," she said softly, her voice a soothing melody in the midst of chaos. "But I can't even begin to imagine how worried you must be feeling right now."

Kali nodded, her eyes still filled with tears. "It's just... everything is a lot, Noé. The rumors, Maya leaving, and now this threat to my family. I don't know how to handle it all."

She inch closer offering a comforting smile. "You don't have to handle it alone, Kali. We're a team, and we'll face this together. But first, let's focus on what we can control."

Kali sniffed, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "But what can we do? The rumors are spreading like wildfire, and I don't even know where they started."

Noé sighed, her mind racing with thoughts and possible solutions. "We need to address the rumors head-on, Kali. We can't let false stories define our reality. Let's talk to Zyion, find out what he knows, and confront this together. And as for Maya's departure, maybe there's more to it than we're aware of. I'll talk to Vernon, see if he can dig deeper into the situation. We need to understand the truth before we can fight back."

Kali nodded, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Thank you, Noé. I don't know what I would do without you. Your support means everything to me."

Noé smiled, giving Kali's hand another reassuring squeeze. "We're a family, Kali. We look out for each other, no matter what. And as for that threat your family received, we'll take it seriously. We can involve the authorities if needed. Your family's safety is our priority."

Feeling a bit calmer, Kali managed a small smile. "I guess I forgot how lucky I am to have you all by my side."

Noé nodded, her smile warm and genuine. "We're here for you, Kali. Always. Now, let's face these challenges together, head-on. We'll get through this, stronger than before."

Meanwhile, updates ping her phone of her manager Vernon who was still in the meeting with the other teams continuing their discussion, strategizing on how to handle the rumors and the sudden departure of Maya Hernandez. While reading the texts, she realizes the gravity of the situation. The reputation of their agency was on the line, and it was crucial to handle the crisis delicately.

In the midst of the serious atmosphere, Noé found herself lost in her thoughts. She wondered about Maya's departure and whether it was connected to the mounting tension within the company. Could there be more to this story than met the eye? Questions swirled in her mind, but there were no easy answers.

Noé set her phone aside and decided to take a break from the recording. Together with Kali they stepped out of the studio, her mind still occupied with the events of the day. The corridor was quiet, but the energy of the building felt different, as if an unseen storm was brewing beneath the surface.