

"We've got intel that Noé will be at The Fozx later this weekend." Ms. Jorelle

Ms. Jorelle's eyes narrowing as she turned her attention to them "You!" She alerts with sternness in her voice

They both jolted upright, exchanged a quick glance, trying to discern who she meant.

Her finger pointed directly at Luke. "Don't mess this up," she warned him sternly.

He nods, worry lines carved in-between his brows

"Got it!?"

"Yes, si- I mean Ma'am!" Luke smiled guiltily at his near mess up

She shot him a wary look and then handed him a sheet of paper containing crucial information before departing.

"And you." She turns towards Sid "Why would you think that I meant you?" Crossing her arms "You're not even in this division."

Taking a big gulp "Ms I-I didn't-" he stammered "It- a spur- I don't actually-"

"What are you babbling about?!" She cocks an eyebrow, but before Sid could respond she brushed him off "You know what, I don't want to know."

The two of them waited until she is out of sight before Sid rested both hands on top of his chest and lets out an over the top breath of relief

Sid, seemingly relieved that he wasn't the one in the hot seat, let out an exaggerated breath "I almost died!" he gasped dramatically.

Looking at Sid with a deadpan stare "Why'd you even think you were in entertainment?" Luke pointed out

"I... I didn't," Sid stuttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Rightt..." Luke said knowingly, turning back to his computer.

Resting his head on the dividers he tease "But who was it that almost misgender her?"

"Yes, si- I mean Ma'am~" Sid mimicked, laughing after repeating Luke's earlier mistake.

He rolled his eyes "She talked like my father..."

Nodding knowingly, Sid changes the topic "So, you know what you're gonna do?"

Shrugging, Luke sighed, his fingers pausing over the keyboard. "Probably not freeze up and embarrass myself once again."

"Yeah" Sid tries to hold himself back, but stifled out a laugh "Definitely don't do that." He covers his mouth

Luke lamented, "I can't believe I froze up with Nix."

"That doesn't sound so bad..." Sid said, his eyes softening.

He raise "It doesn't?! I might lose my job if this keeps up!"

Sid chimed in, "Gives it a bit of a thrill, doesn't it?"

"Would it be thrilling if I snap your neck off?!" He threatens

"Probably..." Seeing Luke about to pounce "Not!" In his attempt to run off, Luke grabs a hold a hold of his collar and pulls him, playfully wrapping one arm around his neck and the other locking the choke

Chokes "Okay! Okay! Okay!" He struggles "I'm sorry!" his voice a mix of laughter and panic.

Still not convinced "How are you gonna prove it?" His grip softens but doesn't let go

Sid pretends to ponder the question. "... I take her picture for you?" He winces expecting

Luke goes quiet, seems to be considering the offer, after a while he shakes his head "No, it would be obvious who took it..." He slowly releases him from the chokehold

Sid sighs in relief, rubbing his neck

"Our styles are too different." He says weakly

Sid pats him, encouragingly "You'll be fine..."

Just then, Kali's manager barged into their recording studio, surprising Noé and another producer who was monitoring Kali inside the recording booth.

Even though surprised Noé remains unfazed and continues to monitor Kali who is inside the recording booth, Noé advised through the intercom system, "Kali use your mixed voice instead of your head voice like in Jinxed, at a C5." her focus unwavering despite the unexpected interruption.

Through the speaker, Kali listened intently to Noé's advice and nodded slightly, "Ookay~" her enthusiasm slightly subdued by the seriousness of the moment.

"Shh!" The producer turned on his seat, placed finger on his lips "Not so loud!" he warned in a hushed voice.

Dropping her voice into a whisper "I need Kali."

Noé chimes in an put a palm out towards her "Wait a bit, we're almost done."

She tries to refute "But its-"

"Caely, later!" Noé hushed her, gesturing toward the couch behind them.

Defeated, she begrudgingly turned around and takes a seat on the sleek white leather couch

After Kali finished recording and came out of the booth, her manager sprang up from her seat and hurried toward her "Hi!" She greets Caely

Her expression shifting from surprise to concern. "What's wrong?"

She showed Kali an article displayed on her screen, confused Kali squints her eyes slightly to get a better look "Zyion caught looking at Kali fondly, are sparks flying between the two?"

Confused, Kali furrowed her brow. "I don't get it," she said, glancing at Noé for support. "We've known each other forever..."

Noé nodded, as if this were nothing unusual. "Our relationship isn't exactly foreign to our fans, Cae. We've done a few videos together, appeared on his show—"

But Cae cut in, voicing her worries. "Yeah, but this time the public actually bought it!" She tapped on her phone, reading out some of the comments. "OMG! is it finally happening?! Zioli?!"

"Why would Zyion choose her over Noé?"

"Does he have no taste?!"

"What a shame, Kali could do way better... Thought it was Noé he was interested in tbh..."

"So embarrassing! Could've had a prodigy but settled on talentless."

"Is this true?! That girl can't even stay on tune!"

Noé shifted her gaze, clearly seeing Kali's face darken with every comment. "Cae."

Cae continued reading the comments, her voice filled with disappointment. "Such a suck up."

"Hate to break it to you but Zyion doesn't date a girl with whistle stuck in her throat!"

"These girls are obviously desperate for more fame."

"That's why her grandma is dea-"

Having had enough, Noé interrupted loudly "Cae!" causing Cae to jump and almost drop her phone. Frantically catching it, Cae looked at Noé, her pupils shaking. "Wha-why?"

"You're a manager right?" Noé asked pointedly.

Tucking her phone into her back pocket, Cae hesitated before nodding. "Well, yeah..." she said, her shoulder lifting in a half-hearted shrug.

Lifting an eyebrow, Noé continued, "So, you're aware of how comments like that can affect people?"

Realization dawned on Cae, her forehead creasing with lines of remorse. "I'm sorry, Kali. I didn't mean to," she said, her voice apologetic.

Kali shook her head, offering a weak smile as she patted Cae on the shoulder. "It's okay, Cae. We know."

Kali turns to face Noé

Nodding understandingly "We're done with today's recording right Sonny?" She checks on Kali's last recording

Sonny tapped on the table, his head bopping to the recording. "Yup, we're good," he confirmed as soon as the playback stopped, the tension in the room slowly dissipating.

In the car, a mellow tune played softly, filling the space with its calming melody. Noé hummed along, her fingers tapping lightly on her phone screen.

Navigating the car smoothly, Kali broke the silence. "You know she means well, right?"

"Hmm?" Noé continued tapping her phone, seemingly absorbed in her thoughts.

"Cae. She wasn't aware of what she's doing," Kali explained, her voice gentle yet firm. She focused on maneuvering the car, skillfully parking it before continuing, "She's just worried."

Noé put down her phone, looking at Kali with understanding in her eyes. "Of course, I know," she agreed sincerely.

Leaning back against her seat, Kali sighed, trying to ease the tension in her shoulders. "Then why'd you scold her?"

"It's something she can learn from, Kali," Noé said, her tone compassionate. "I couldn't just let you go through that when I can do something about it."

Kali fell silent, absorbing Noé's words. Eventually, she managed a weak smile, appreciating Noé's protective nature.

Noé turns to look at her "Plus, I know you'd have done the same if the roles were reversed." She playfully pokes her side

"He-hey!" Kali flinches at the attack, a slight smile carves her face "..."

"..." Noé leans her head against her chair "How are you holding up?" Her eyes soft, as she looks at Kali

Her voice soft and vulnerable, "I'm okay... I think." She hesitated before adding, "I know they're just comments... They shouldn't mean anything, but... I..." She turned to meet Noé's gaze, her eyes reflecting her inner turmoil.

Noé reached out and took Kali's hand in hers, offering a comforting squeeze. "It's okay if you're not," she reassured.

"I- it just caught me off guard," Kali confessed, slowly pulling her hand away. "We've had similar articles before, and no one believed it then... so why now?" She absentmindedly twisted a ring on her thumb, her thoughts in disarray. "And the comments are especially mean this time..."

"Hey!" Noé's voice cut through the air, her tone firm as she interrupted Kali's thoughts. "Why are you even focusing on those comments? You should be focusing on the supportive ones instead!"

With fiery determination, she quoted some of the encouraging remarks "Screw you! Pathetic excuse for a human trash! She can date whoever the hell she wants! You bald idiotic ninconpoop!" her voice strong and unwavering.

With both eyes wide, Noé sudden statement surprised her "Nin-ninconpoop?!" she chuckled, trying to contain her amusement.

"What?!" Noé shrugs "It's true! A fan really wrote those exact words..." she confirms, joining in her laughter, the shared moment lightening the heaviness in the car.

"What I'm trying to say is..." Noé began, her tone serious, "the internet, or other people in general, only know a tiny fraction of our lives that we let them see. So, when things like this happen, they can only interpret how we're living our lives, who we're with, or who we aren't..."

Kali nods agreeing "Yeah..." she said softly, her heart swelling with gratitude for the understanding and support.

"Btw there's truly nothing going on between Zyion and me," Kali teased, pinching Noé's cheek playfully.

"Ack!" Noé scoffed, feigning indifference. "Pfft! I don't care!" she declared, looking away

Raising an eyebrow mischievously, "Sure you don't..." she teased, leaning closer. "Come on, don't be shy. Were you jealous? Hmm?"

Noé blinked her eyes in disbelief, her mouth agape. "Since you're back to normal—"

Just then, Noé's phone rang, displaying Zyion's name on the screen.

Kali propped head closer to the phone. "Speaking of the devil."

Noé rolled her eyes before answering the call. "Hello?"

"Yeah, she's here. Hold on, I'll put you on speaker..." Noé placed her phone flat, drawing it near Kali.

Leaning in, Kali greeted Zyion with a smile in her voice. "Hi there."

"Hey, Kali... How's everything?" Zyion's voice came through the speaker, laced with concern.

"Probably worst on the internet." her eyes glancing at Noé. "But me, I'm good..."

A visible sigh could be heard coming from Zyion's side "Should I tell the company to confirm that it's fake news?"

"You'd do that?" Hearing that offer, Kali's eyes darted from the phone to Noé, her surprise evident.

"Of course! If it'll help." Zyion assured sincerely.

Nodding, Noé encourages "Your call, what do you think is best?"

"..." After a brief pause, Kali responded, "It's okay, Zyion."

"Are you sure?" Zyion reconfirmed, his tone gentle.

Looking at Noé for assurance, Kali nodded. "Yeah, if your company came out with a statement, we can't predict how the public will twist things."

"That's true..." Zyion paused thoughtfully. "But it would help..."

"It's okay, Zyion. Thank you," Kali said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"Of course." Hesitant he adds "If you change your mind, the offer will still be there."

"Got it."

"Right... see you guys on thurs-"

In the aftermath of the call, Noé sighed, her patience clearly tested. "Can you actually follow the theme for once? Who wears a turtleneck for a sports-themed episode!" she grumbled, her frustration evident.

"It-" Zyion began, attempting to defend himself.

"You know what, forget it." Noé interrupted, exasperated. "You're gonna blame everyone but yourself anyway."


Noé sighs "Just be on theme!"

As she ends the call, she notices Kali eyeing her suspiciously

"What?" Noé questioned, a hint of defensiveness in her tone.

Pretending to be thinking "I wonder..." she said rubbing while rubbing her chin "Why call you, if he's curious about me?"

"Oh god this again." Noé groaned, rummaging through her backpack.

"Instincts perhaps..." Kali teased, smirking playfully.

Narrowing her eyes, Noé quipped back, "Be a doll and help me with this, will you?" She took out a filled shopper bag and placed it on Kali's lap.

"Hey!" Kali laughed, her amusement clear. "Come on, I was kidding..."

Opening the door she slides out "You know..." Noé added, bending slightly, "Just because you're older doesn't mean you have a pass to be annoying constantly."

Tilting her head, Noé retorted with mock innocence, "Of course, it does." She slowly opened her door, playing along with the banter.

Rolling her eyes, Kali closed the car door and headed towards their shared house. Noé followed suit, their playful banter lingering in the air as they continued their journey home.