
Return of The Legendary Blue Fang

Blood was splattered everywhere, while rotting corpses are littered and limping on the spacious red ground. A slow walks echo through that open space, A knight with Silver Blue armor slowly throded into the blood soaked ground which a figure could be seen kneeling on the ground. Then he sheath his sharp swords, pointing at the figure that are now beyond abomination. He have met this monster from before, when he just started to participate in the wars, when he is still young and naive. This is the monster called abyss lord, the one that made the bloodshed with rain of blood and mountain of human corpse, that day the monster just laughing maniacally and sinisterly mocking the human. But now this monster are kneeling and crawling in front of him, just like an insect. "Any last word Amon?" l "Hahaha, I never thought that the boy than run likes are coward that day someday reclaim this head of mine" l "Rein Von Silvanne, why do you still serve the empire after suffering so much?" l "The Empire and the abyss sanction are just a plain of the same card, both have it's own agenda" But Rein just replied coldly, his deep blue eyes glaring from his head visor. "I don't care about the empire nor the abyss sanction, you are the reason why I lost some of the people that give me hope and will to live in this world" l "I see, you are truly something, you held enough power for conquest and conquering, yet you still linger for simple thing such as emotions" l "This why I still retain my humanity and not succumbed to temptation to turns into the monster" within a split second the heads of the abyss lord called Amon are cuts of clean from its body, which in turns spurts bloods around it and slowly soaks the ground with purple red blood, while headless body limp to the ground with a thud While, the knight just slowly turns his back, facading into the thick fog, while some words from him still echoes around. 'I am a fang that bore feracaciously towards flesh and bones of its prey' l 'no matter who the prey are, Neixx Empire or even Abyss Sanction, they shall succumb to it's mouth' l The 1st wars that have lasted for two years between the Neixx Empire and Abyss Sanction, ended when the Blue Fang, one of the most feracacious and vicious beast like figure, behead the 1st Sanction Abyss Lord, Amon. ..... After, fighting for two consecutive war, Rein finally reach the limits of its body, and it is time for him to find his own happiness. But when he thought everything will be over when the Abyss Sanction have been defeated, he learns the truth regarding the real reason for the Abyss Sanction for Invading from the mouth of an assassin. Because it's more than a political move, because more mystery are yet to be revealed by either side. And he also learn the truth on why he have been marked by the Empire 10 years ago. But he only knows this when he was about to exhaust his lifespan. (Can he survive his predicament?) (Can he uncovers the whole truth) (Can he return and retain his happiness?) (And most of all, why did he get marked by the empire or why did the abyss sanction invaded) (Read to find out more) ..…........................................................ Authors Note : Quack..Quack..Ducky here, thanks for taking the time to read my first ever book. I know it have its own shortcoming and error, I just noticed lately that I have been neglecting a good foundation for my books which is, "it should be readable, whether the sentences, grammar or even paragraphing", I am sory for my mistake, I'll take note of that and do better. Well, I just finished editing just now and, hopefully it makes the experience much better. Currently I am quite busy, with two other upcoming books, but worry not, I'll update this novel ASAP. Thank you for reading my babling, CHOU and PEACE!!!

Ducky_sensei · Urban
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12 Chs

8 years ago ll

As Rein return to his camp, many eyes watched him, all the soldiers in the camp watch and seize him up, as he is the youngest person ever verdicted as the one of the captain leading this war. Some watch him as someone who just wanted to garner some attention and honor. While some disdained him because their know that this young man are incapable of leading as a chief captain for this war. Then moving slowly he hears muttering from his back.

"Why the hell did the Empire thinks sending kids to this battlefield?..."

"Psshh..you should outright say that.."

"I heard he is a prodigy in the lantern academy"

"Shhh, that was years ago before he is marked by the Empire..."

"Wait, he is marked!!!, I don't know that!!!"

" Well rumours sure travels fast hahaha"

"What the meaning of being marked anyway?"

"You don't need to know, hahaha"

" I thinks it's related to the black tragedy, 1 year ago at the Antrim dukedom"

" That tragedy huh, damn that is one of the few that still linger in my minds through this day"

When this words reached him, he just stopped and his hands just started shivering while holding the hilt of his swords, he thought that after all this day suffering in silence, this feeling will go away but once the black tragedy mentioned his minds just became a mess, lots of messed of thoughts and negative emotions flowed down to his brain, all the curses and words from his people and especially his family overturned his cold emotions.

When he halted his walks, all of the soldiers became aware of his current turbulence which stopped them from mutterings anywords. They don't wants this young blood to became furious and punish them, as they know this young man is one of the key person involved in that black tragedy. Few minutes later, he the resumed to walks. And the surroundings became lively again.

As he reached and entered his camp, he just straight away slumped down on his chair, while lots of thoughts come to his minds, he then focus on the paper on his table and he stuck upon the name list on the paper, these are list of the soldiers assigned to him in which he will be in charge for, and he sighed again as he sees that all of the soldiers on his list are mostly newbies while some are just old and good enough to be a soldiers. Moreover there are lots of ex-criminal assigned to his unit which he understands why.

"The name of this units should be death army or even good is Meatshield army".

'not even a named individual or few noted names in this list huh' he sighed again.

But when he just about to place down the list on the table again, he stumble upon one name,

'Emil Bluelove..A noble joining?'.

He became quite confused. A noble name that he had never seen before. As he knows Neixx Empire consisted of many hundred nobles and only the prominent one he knows took a gist of, so he concluded that this must be one of the many vassal noble in the Empire. But he just continue to have thoughts.

' why would a noble join my camp, and selected as a vice captain nonetheless'

As everyone on this war camp know that, all the soldiers under him will be just a meatshield marching towards their deaths considering the list that he just saw. While pondering, he called out one of the guards outside of the camps.

"Guards, called out the vice captain"

"Yes sir", then they immediately called out for the vice captain.

Few minutes later, a person came in with gallant but aloof standings, standing in front of Rein. This Emil Bluelove guy are quite tall hovering 20cm taller than him with adorned bluish silver plate armor, while his short blue hair are combed in neat place. He is quite sturdy and seems experienced as well. The one that stand out more from him is his unwavering bright smile and happy expressions which made Rein confused even more, he remained still while his eyes are not blinking, Rein could hear his breathing heavily which makes Rein question him directly,

"What wrong with your expression, vice captain?".he knitted one of his eyebrow.

"Hahaha, I am sorry captain, I am just nervous and excited" He replied while smiling.

" Hmmm, why would you be excited and nervous tho?" Rein asked.

"Umm, it's that captain is my idol, hahaha I don't know if captain would acknowledge that fact tho" he says while scratching his cheeks.

Rein just became dumbfounded, while searching of many reason for this man to join his death camp. He racks his brain, maybe because of his position as one of the grand noble, but that's impossible as after this wars he will no longer have affiliations with his own family. Even though it's the bitter truth he cannot do anything but just go with the flow. Then he proceeded to continue their talks.

"Sit down first Emil, I have a few questions to ask of you".

"Yes sir!!!" Emil replied enthusiastically while sitting down on empty chair.

Before long, Rein and Emil just sit down while waiting for the questions coming from him. The atmosphere became awkward as silence meets both of them for a few minutes. Emil just continue scratching his heads with an awkward smile while Rein just alternating to watch Emil and the paper in his hands. Then the silence stops when Rein utter his question.

"Emil Bluelove huh, a noble that I never heard before, may I know where is your territory Emil?".

"Ah, our Bluelove territory are at snowdawn my lord, at northern continent and one of the vassal serving under the Silvanne".He answered.

"You territory are one of our vassal state?" Rein tilted his head in confusement.

"Yes my lord, it's one of the small territory at the northern side"

"But isn't that place often attacked from the black forest monster?"

He asked as he knows that one of the vassal state, which have one of the smallest territory in the nothern side of Silvanne dukedom are often attacked by the monster. In the past, his father are considering to abolished that territory as it's not really sustainable for long.

"Yes sir that's the place, it's the Bluelove territory" Emil add ups.

Now that Emil mentioned his territory, Rein finally remember, often during meeting his father always mentioned that territory and complained a lot while stating that he wants to abolished that place as it's only bring loss than profit. And he always remember an old man going to their place every weeks to have a meeting with his father. His father and his other vassal state always scorned and threaten this old man to abolished his territory while the old man never giveup. When he is reminiscing the past, he just looks into Emil and said.

"Emil, is Elias your father?"

When Rein mentioned this name, Emil suddenly became solemn but he still smile.

"Yes, my lord..".

" Is he still alive?" He continue to question him.

"He passed away two years ago my lord"

"He is a good man" Rein muttered while looking up reminiscing.


Over their conversation, Rein finally know the reason for Emil to join his camp. And looks over his application form again, then he sighed again.

' is this my good karma'

He thinks while looking at the roof. But he decided to removed Emil from his camp as he knows this man shouldn't waste his talent and life repaying his goodwill in the past. Then he talk to Emil regarding his situations.