
Return of The Legendary Blue Fang

Blood was splattered everywhere, while rotting corpses are littered and limping on the spacious red ground. A slow walks echo through that open space, A knight with Silver Blue armor slowly throded into the blood soaked ground which a figure could be seen kneeling on the ground. Then he sheath his sharp swords, pointing at the figure that are now beyond abomination. He have met this monster from before, when he just started to participate in the wars, when he is still young and naive. This is the monster called abyss lord, the one that made the bloodshed with rain of blood and mountain of human corpse, that day the monster just laughing maniacally and sinisterly mocking the human. But now this monster are kneeling and crawling in front of him, just like an insect. "Any last word Amon?" l "Hahaha, I never thought that the boy than run likes are coward that day someday reclaim this head of mine" l "Rein Von Silvanne, why do you still serve the empire after suffering so much?" l "The Empire and the abyss sanction are just a plain of the same card, both have it's own agenda" But Rein just replied coldly, his deep blue eyes glaring from his head visor. "I don't care about the empire nor the abyss sanction, you are the reason why I lost some of the people that give me hope and will to live in this world" l "I see, you are truly something, you held enough power for conquest and conquering, yet you still linger for simple thing such as emotions" l "This why I still retain my humanity and not succumbed to temptation to turns into the monster" within a split second the heads of the abyss lord called Amon are cuts of clean from its body, which in turns spurts bloods around it and slowly soaks the ground with purple red blood, while headless body limp to the ground with a thud While, the knight just slowly turns his back, facading into the thick fog, while some words from him still echoes around. 'I am a fang that bore feracaciously towards flesh and bones of its prey' l 'no matter who the prey are, Neixx Empire or even Abyss Sanction, they shall succumb to it's mouth' l The 1st wars that have lasted for two years between the Neixx Empire and Abyss Sanction, ended when the Blue Fang, one of the most feracacious and vicious beast like figure, behead the 1st Sanction Abyss Lord, Amon. ..... After, fighting for two consecutive war, Rein finally reach the limits of its body, and it is time for him to find his own happiness. But when he thought everything will be over when the Abyss Sanction have been defeated, he learns the truth regarding the real reason for the Abyss Sanction for Invading from the mouth of an assassin. Because it's more than a political move, because more mystery are yet to be revealed by either side. And he also learn the truth on why he have been marked by the Empire 10 years ago. But he only knows this when he was about to exhaust his lifespan. (Can he survive his predicament?) (Can he uncovers the whole truth) (Can he return and retain his happiness?) (And most of all, why did he get marked by the empire or why did the abyss sanction invaded) (Read to find out more) ..…........................................................ Authors Note : Quack..Quack..Ducky here, thanks for taking the time to read my first ever book. I know it have its own shortcoming and error, I just noticed lately that I have been neglecting a good foundation for my books which is, "it should be readable, whether the sentences, grammar or even paragraphing", I am sory for my mistake, I'll take note of that and do better. Well, I just finished editing just now and, hopefully it makes the experience much better. Currently I am quite busy, with two other upcoming books, but worry not, I'll update this novel ASAP. Thank you for reading my babling, CHOU and PEACE!!!

Ducky_sensei · Urban
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14 Chs

8 years ago lll

Facing Emil, Rein have decided to remove him from his camp. As he knows sooner or later, he will meets his ends in this war, someone as valuable as Emil shouldn't go perish with him, as he knows the man in front of him have a greater potentials and future if he keeps working with the Empire.

"Emil, with some consideration I have decided to remove you from my camp"

Rein say and watch him while putting the paper in hands to the table again. When he says this, Emil frowned and asks.

" Why captain, is there any problem in me joining your camp? or is it related to my insufficient strength?".

Rein just shook his heads and sighed.

"No, it's the opposite reason, It's not your problem but mine instead" he said

"Your talent as a two star knight are too precious, and you should have go to any knight order in the empire instead of joining my camp, joining my camp are like a death sentence to you and you should be aware of what I am saying right" Then he continued while turning his back from Emil.

" If it's because of the repaying the goodwill from the past and for your old man, then my decision is more firm Emil.."

" There's no need to repay the things I did in the past, consider it as the a mere thoughts of a child just wanting to look after his people".Rein stated.

When he says this, he thought that the guy will surely back off, but instead of backing up he just stand still on his position and few moments later, while gripping his hands and with firm voice he voiced his thoughts to Rein.

"You know my lord, I am thankful of your goodwill in the past helping the Snowdawn territory and Bluelove barony from state abolishments, buts it's not enough for me to be loyally serving you as the Vice captain of your camp, buts it's more than that" he replied.

When Emil say this, Rein turns his back again to him, watching him while scrunching his expressions doubting his words. Because he don't know what's makes the knight in front of him to shows so much commitment and servitude towards him.

" You know my lord, everytime my father cames back from meeting with Duke Silvanne, he always mentioned your name in front of our family".

"He always mentioned how a good child you are, very humble and looking after his people, a child born with good noble sense".

"But as a teen on those days, I hardly believe a noble son especially a well known Silvanne grand noble, making a goodwill without ulterior agenda, as I know the noble from the central are vicious and rotten to the core, I always have that perception, there are no free foods of free goodwill nor there are true noble in this empire, if not the son then the family heads surely have agenda".

He says confidently without batting an eyes and confidences showing no fear for his remarks.

"But you know my lord, few years back then in the lantern academy, I saw a real noble among the grand noble, a person made of a pure justice and great honour, that was you my lord".

" You stand for the commoner faction without backing down, facing those other big name family, not knowing the fear, only justice for the commoner, you never discriminate the commoners, even with the other noble mocking and scorning you, saying you are disgrace to noble, saying your a failure and dumbest in the empire and saying you only bring dirt and filth to the nobility for protecting the commoner"

The live of a commoner in the academy are really worse, it's a chance for them to change their live but, in the academy, they live a worse life, threaten everywhere they go, beaten up to death, being forced to work like a slave, while such scorn and despises are normal circumstances, even death of a commoner are considered normal, only those with talent have a bit of leeway. It's like the academy for the commoner are like a cage for the noble to train their dogs.

"You never falter and back down even once my lord, during those days in the lantern academy, I have grown to admire you and decided to one day be standing with you as your loyal knight". He said with great admiration and confidence burning through his eyes.

" If someone noble like you to lead it's people, isn't it the best way to have a prosperous and peaceful life for the people". He smiled again after saying such a long line but Rein just looks at him, still shocked at this guy. This guy have been watching him the entire time during his days on the academy even swearing to be his knight. After that he just sighed while looking at Emil.

"But you know Emil, right now I am no longer the person that could achieve such things, I now realised that just being just and right are not enough to be the leader, the empire especially, are prone to notice a guy like me, a person like me are better dead than alive in their eyes".

The empire want to be in full control and held up their positions as long as they can, their people only serves as a tool, their people sufferings or death means nothing to them as long as the Empire remains.

"After this war, I am no longer have the power I have as the Silvanne nor as a grand noble, I am just a fallen noble, I have long been disowned by them long ago since the black tragedy, and this wars a witness to that". Rein says while looking up full of thoughts.

"Does it matter my lord, does it stops you from realising such world, you are one of the prodigy magistus at lantern academy, one of the many talented people in this continent, you still have the power to make a change in this empire with your talents, you have managed to convey you conviction towards its people through your effort and actions especially us your people in need, during those days my lord" He said relentlessly.

"Even with such obstacles and challenges, I believe and always stand with your my lord, I will be your swords and shields through this wars and during your future endeavour" Emil said with a bright smile.

When Emil says this, Rein feel a bright aura coming from his hearts, the long passion that he have buried inside himself, once again starts to lit up slowly. He wants to be alive, he wants to be happy and most of all he wants to be a noble that's worth of its people, One person is enough for him, one person that believe and will stand with him until the very end, Emil have brought back himself that he have forgotten and buried deep inside for years. And he will prove it not only to Emil but to world. In this wars, he will do his best to shows that he can do it. He turns towards Emil and say.

"Thank you Emil, you have open my eyes again" he said with gratitude.

"Anywhere and anytime my lord".

"Okay you may go know, prepare the soldiers, we will soon began for exploration" Rein giving his order.

"Yes my lord, instruction confirmed". Emil said while saluting the captain and back off after that, preparing for their camp next action.


After the black tragedy at Antrim dukedom, he fall tremendously hard, his title and talent means nothing anymore, his pleas and saying being ignored, no one believe in him, his servants that works for him for years, his friends that share their happiness and laughter with him, his family that always welcome him with love and passion, no one stays on his side, It feels like the world is turning black, it feels like the gods tooks away his soul which makes him became colder and frozen. Not until this day, a single person managed to broke through his frozen soul. But he knows this is just the new beginning of his journey and he will take this chance. Then Rein just looks at the starry night through the window of the camp, a slight smile comes from his face.