
Chapter 7

  i made this chapter today because I had a request . Thank you to my readers this is seriously  a dream come true. Please go read my other story and vote and share it please make me dream of being a writer come true  much love <3

                        Sarah woke up thinking that she was in her room at her house, but when she opened her eyes she knew where she was at .  Jeff came in  the middle of the night and woke her up just so he could have sex with her.   Sarah felt so dirty she wanted to take a shower, Jeff said that she would be rewarded with a shower today but the plan was that Jeff wanted to take a shower with him. EWWWW creepy right. Anyways Sarah turns the little light next to her bed that Jeff gave her last night , she starts reading the book, when she heard the door open she knew it was Jeff.   " Good morning, my pet." he says with a plate of eggs  for her. All she could do was do a fake smile at him and nod. " Today we will be taking a shower together , I will wash you and you will wash me and then maybe if your a good girl , I will give you a treat and eat you out." he said with the sinister smile.  Sarah thought to her self eww , ewww ,and more eww, but she knew the outcome if she didn't obey.

             " Here is a plate of eggs now please eat pet." What he did was drug her eggs with liquid meth so she wouldn't taste it. Oh yes  Jeff was going to have fun with Sarah , oh boy was he going to have fun. After she ate her eggs , she gave the plate back to him. A few moments later Sarah started to feel funny and not herself.   Jeff knew that the meth had kicked in. " Now pet master wants you to play with yourself, while he watches can you do that for master ?" he asked. Because of the drug she said yes . She started playing with her self and moaning, just then Jeff took his penis out and started playing with himself, his plan was before he is about to cum he is going to stick his penis in her and cum inside her. He like the way her warm , wet vagina felt against this hard penis.  Just him thinking about it was getting him off and in no time he told her to take her fingers out and he stuck his penis inside and and cam.  

            Once they were done, Jeff told her that they were going to take a shower and he wanted to try something new to her. Being drugged at Sarah could do was look at him and nod. Jeff picked up Sarah and brought her to the shower, he undressed her and started eating her out , she moaned not realizing that she was drugged once he was done he got the water started and put her in and he go in also.  Once they were done with the shower they didn't get dressed but they went to the bed and laid down, Jeff again played with Sarah  vagina . " Pet I want you to play with master's penis, he is so horny you drive master this way you know that." again with that sinister smile. Jeff did coke and meth today so he was drugged to the core.  Once Sarah finished  playing with his penis , Jeff decied that it was time for Sarah to do more meth , this time with a needle . " Now here pet this is your reward this is going to make you feel so much better." he said as he got the stuff ready. " Now what I am going to do is find your vain and stick this needle in it , you are going to be flying high for the next 48 hours." he said ." Now every time Master tells you something and you do it ,  I will give you another hit." he smiled .