
Chapter 8

 Officer Mike went with Henry to look in the woods  and the officers Joe, Chris , Todd and Max , they were hoping that they would find a clue to where Sarah was. Meanwhile Marge and the rest stayed at home in case Sarah called.  Marge kept looking out the window for hope that she would see Sarah, Nicole was still there she has been staying over, Nicole's parents also came to help. They put the posters up, as they waited by the phone . Beverly looked at Marge. " Marge  honey you need to eat something and take a nap." she said, " Beverly what if Sarah calls and I miss the call." Marge started to cry. " Honey one of us will pick of the phone if it rings and if it is Sarah we will wake you up." Beverly said.  Marge couldn't eat she was to upset to even eat . She hasn't had a good night sleep since before Sarah got kidnapped . Marge just walked up the stairs to her bed , all you could hear from her room was her crying. Henry walked around in the woods calling for Sarah  but no answer. Henry was losing hope even through it was the second day. Officer Tim looked at Henry and put his hand on his shoulder, " Look I know we will find her she wants you to be strong wouldn't she?" Tim asked , " Yes she would but what if  my little girl is dead?" Henry asked ."  " I know the odds of finding your daughter is slim to none but we have to pray and hope for the best." he said  . Henry just nod and kept looking and calling out for Sarah.

                 Meanwhile back at the house , Marge finally fell asleep she was having a dream that Sarah was alive and told her mother where she is . " Mom all I can tell you is that I am hidden in a shed, somewhere in the woods, mom please find me ." Sarah said. Just then Marge jolted out of her bed and ran downstairs,  " I had a dream about Sarah and she told me that she's in a shed in the woods some where , we need to be looking for sheds. "Marge said. " Okay I will call the guys back and tell them what to look for ." Beverly said as she took out her cell phone and dialed Henry's number. " Hello." Henry answered  , " Henry its Beverly Marge just woke up and said she had a dream and Sarah told her that she is in a shed somewhere in the woods, all you guys have to do is look for a shed in the middle of the woods." Beverly said. " Okay and tell my wife thank you." Henry said and hung up. " Guys my wife had a dream that Sarah came to her and told my wife where she was, she said that she is in  a shed in the middle of the woods." Henry explained to the officers.  So the officers and Henry went searching for the shed, hopefully tonight they will find Sarah 

   ** I am so sorry that this chapter sucks  my step kids are here and I couldn't think of anything good  please read, comment and vote  thank you **