
Chapter six

  It's been 16 hours since her daughter's disappearance, all last night people have been searching for Sarah with no such luck. Marge and Henry haven't sleep a wink. All they wanted was their daughter back. The police officers have been searching since 7 last night still no luck , they even brought the dogs out.  More and more people from the neighborhood and from the next three neighborhood were coming out and supporting Marge and Henry.  Even the 6 on 6 news came to do a news cast on Sarah.  Henry and Marge were blessed with the outcome of this.  One of the neighbors  Sally came over to hug  and pray with them for Sarah safety and  for her to come home.. Last night the police went over to Nicole's house to see if she knew anything else  and all she told them was how Sarah told her about the tan van.  Officer Mike asked if Sarah had seen the driver and Nicole told him no. " Well if you think of anything else please give us a call." he said giving her his card. " Will do." she replied and went up to her room after taking the card.   

               Nicole couldn't sleep that night , all she could dream was about Sarah getting picked up by the van.  She needed to figure out who was the driver of that van , but she knew that her parents and Sarah's parents would tell her to let the police to their job to find her.  They don't need two girls disappearing. Nicole didn't even go to school, She wanted to go over to Sarah to help them put up posters.  " Mom hey I am going over to  Sarah's to help put up posters." she yelled to her mom who was in the laundry room . " Okay dear hey once  I am done  I am going to come and help to so please tell Marge that  I will be there in about 30 minutes." her mother responded. " Will do." Nicole  replied as she headed out the door. 

               Nicole started walking to Sarah house , Nicole made sure she was paying attention the cars that were driving by in case she sees the van, she wanted to make sure that she got a good look at the driver.  It's about a 10 minute walk from her house to Sarah's .  Nicole finally gets to Sarah's house there wasn't a tan van in sight.  Nicole knocks on the door, Marge opens the door and sees Nicole." Well good morning Nicole what are you doing here so early?" Marge asked." Well I want to help search and put out posters of Sarah , if that is okay with you ?" she explained. " Yes dear that would be amazing." Marge said with a little smile, Nicole also  told her that her mother would be coming to help also.    They started making poster to hang up around town and hopefully they would get good news.  They were putting the reward at 23,000 to who ever found Sarah. Nicole looked at the reward and then looked back at Marge.  " That is a lot of money for a reward." Nicole pointed out. " We know we talked about and it felt right to us ." she said .  


                             Nicole didn't say anything after that   a couple hours past and the poster were ready.  Everyone walked out the door and started handing out poster and hanging them up on telephone poles. Nicole, her mom and Sally went into town, putting up poster.  Just then this strange creepy guy walks up the poster that Nicole just put up.  He looked at the picture of Sarah and said . " What a cute girl." he said with that sinister smile. Nicole looked at the man and she got  unwelcoming feeling about him , she knew that he was bad news. She didn't know that  he was the man who took Sarah.   Nicole had to tell Marge what had just happened , She walks up to Marge. " I just got done putting a poster up of Sarah when this creepy older man walks by , and says what a cute girl ." she said she was starting to get nervous .  Marge didn't think anything of it." Nicole he was a harmless creepy man , don't worry about him." she said as she walked away putting up more posters.

               Few hours past and they were done with the poster they must have put about 300 out. Between the people walking around, the businesses they were sure Sarah was going to show up.  On the walk home Nicole couldn't get that creepy man out of her mind. She knew something was very off by him. But maybe Marge was right he could have just been a harmless old man or was he?