
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasy
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27 Chs


After the bath, I received the daily pushups mission from the system. I sighed and completed the mission.

[ +5 Exp ]

Then putting on my clothes, I went downstairs to meet who ever was at home.

Speaking of this, I wondered how my parents would be feeling about my coma and how was I supposed to answer their questions?. Or should I just come clean about my being a dhampir?. Maybe that way, I might vindicate myself from further interrogation.

But all that was hard. I mean who in his or her right senses would believe what I was going to say ?.

As soon as I finished climbing down the stairs, I braced myself up for the worse.

" Mum and Dad I have...... ", I stopped and blinked in shock when I saw my mum and dad laughing heartily with Victoria on the dinning.

What the fuck?. Immediately they saw me, Mum left her seat and ran to hug me.

" El, my baby.... You are finally awake ", She cried.

" It's okay mum, I'm fine now ", I reassured.

" You had us worried , what happened to you ? ", She asked.

" I.... um..... I ", I stammered.

" What is wrong with you, can't you remember anything that happened to you ?", Dad asked.

I shook my head lying. They both stared at each other strangely.

" Well, this young lady, who says she's your girlfriend brought you home unconscious, are you saying you don't recall anything ? ", . I shook my head.

Wait, Victoria introduced herself as my girlfriend?. What is she trying to achieve ?.

Another ting of fear crept up inside me. Wait, Victoria was a vampire?, what if she had turned my parents ?. I couldn't afford that. I didn't want my parents to be caught up in the same web that I was in.

I stared at Victoria who in turn winked at me.

" Hmmm.... hmmm " , Dad cleared his throat " Son, aren't you forgetting something ? ", he asked.

Introductions. How could I ?.

" Mum, Dad, this is Victoria Sepet, my girlfriend , Victoria, my mum and dad ", I introduced. Dad winked at me with a small grin.

" Nice to meet you again, Mr and Mrs Rover, your son and I are........ ", But I didn't wait for Victoria to finish her sentence. I dragged her upstairs straight into my room.


Once we were inside the room, I shut the door behind me.

She rushed forward and hugged me tightly, pressing her chest tightly against mine and kissing me full on the lips.

" Darling how are you feeling now ?". I struggled to free myself from the embrace.

" Errrrm.... I don't know how to ask this Victoria ", I scratched the back of my head " Did you by any chance turn my parents ?".

" Turn your parents ?..... of course not.... why would I ?", She answered.

I sighed in deep relief.

" It's nothing... just that I... ", Victoria held out a finger silencing me and then like lightning flash, she ran into my bathroom.

What the hell is up with her now?.

Bluuurrrrbbb. The sound of throwing up came from the bathroom.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Was Victoria pregnant?.

Shii !. I knew something like this was going to happen. After all those unconscious sex we were having, Now I had gotten her pregnant.

But was it really my fault ?. She was always the one doing it while I was unconscious.

Mahn. I wasn't ready to be a father so soon. What do I do now?.

She came out of the bathroom cleaning her mouth with the back of her palm.

" What the hell was that ? ", I asked.

" Pardon me.... I can't believe I've actually had to eat human food for the past one week, the effects on my stomach are sore ", She replied.

So she wasn't pregnant ?

She t

was only throwing up because vampires couldn't eat normal food except blood. I breathed down in relief again.

Victoria saw the look on my face and asked " What's wrong darling ?".

" Its nothing dear ", I replied " Only that I'm worried ".

" About what ?".

" Now that my parents have witnessed something like this, they are going to be suspicious of me from now on and that might affect me ", I answered " If only there was a way to reverse time so none of this could have happened ".

Victoria placed her index finger on her chin thoughtfully.

" I can't actually reverse the time, but I might have a solution for you darling ".

" What is it ?".

" Mind erasing ?, like wiping their memories ?".

She nodded.

No way!. Wiping out my parents memories was a no.


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