
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasy
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27 Chs

More Problems

Erasing my parents memories was a big no!.

What would people who knew them before now think think when they couldn't remember things all of a sudden. In fact erasing their memories was going to be more problematic than what it was now.

I shook my head.

" Relax ", Victoria noticed the look on my face ," I am only going to wipe their memories of the past one week that you were out ".

One week?. I was out for a whole week?. This was crazy. So I had to keep track of my hp from now on if I didn't want something like this to repeat itself again.

Back to the matter on ground.

" So you are saying that if you erase their memories from the past one week, it wouldn't affect their previous ones ".

" Hmm_ hmm ", she shook her head.

I thought about it for a few minutes.

Wiping my parents memories without their permission or prior notice was disrespectful and I didn't want to do anything like that.

But if I didn't wipe their memories now, one thing could lead to another and then they might find out about my being a dhampir. Which I also didn't want to happen right now. Their exposure to this truth might be disastrous.

While thinking about this, another thought crossed my mind.

" What about my sister, Maggie ", I asked.

Victoria shook her head again.

" No one else has been in this house for the past week except Miss Bubbles ".

" Miss Bubbles was here ?".

" Yes, darling, She had to act as a recommended doctor since bringing in your family's doctor might have made things worse ".

The trick with Miss Bubbles was pretty enchanting but my mind wasn't really there. Why?. Maggie hadn't been around for the past one week.

That was pretty sus.

" Although your parents seemed to be dailing a certain number, a repetitive couple of times,it didn't seem to be connecting ".

Yep!. Something fishy is really going on. My parents would definitely call Maggie but the fact that the number didn't go through was definitely suspicious.

Well, come to think about it, this was all in my favor, because if Maggie were around, matters would have gotten more complicated.

" Alright, I'm in ", I agreed " As long as it doesn't affect them negatively ".

Victoria smiled at me and stretched out her hand.

I took her hand and we walked down the stairs. This kinds of reminds me of a groom holding his bride and walking down the aisle. Only that every single time, she was always playing the male role.

Coming down the stairs, my parents were already waiting for us.

" Young man, what is all this about ?", my father asked. " Did you really have to take her upstairs while we were still home? Has your libido gotten so high that you no longer respect us enough to have sex right in our presence ?".

What the actual fuck?!.

Victoria giggled childishly. My parents thought I actually dragged Victoria upstairs to have sex?.

" Dad..... Really ?", I pouted.

" What, I'm not saying you two can't do it, after all while I was at your age, I used to have some... hmmm..hmm ", he cleared his throat. " You can do whatever you like, son, after all the world is advancing every day and what was not morally acceptable during my time might now be acceptable now and vice versa...... All I'm saying is, you should at least give us some respect while doing it ".

I shook my head.

" Dad, we didn't have sex, any way, Victoria has something to tell you guys ".

My parents turned towards Victoria.

" What is the.... ", Victoria's pupils glowed a dangerous red.

The red reflected in my parents eyes. Mom staggered backwards holding her forehead. She immediately looked sick.

Shit!. What had I done ?. Seeing my mother like that made a ting of regret bite me hard.

I quickly rushed forward and caught her before she fell. Then I placed her down gently on a chair. Dad managed to relax himself on another chair.

They both passed out momentarily.

I eyed Victoria suspiciously.

" Are you sure that they'll be alright? ", I asked.

" Of course ", She nodded " the reason why they felt that weak was because of the high level of charm corroding their brains."

I just hoped it was as she said.


About thirty minutes later, my parents finally came to.

" Mum, Dad, are you both alright ?", I asked quickly.

" Ahhhhh, why do I have this pain in my head ?", Mum rubbed her forehead.

" What's happening here, Elisse, who is this lady ?", Dad asked staring strangely at Victoria.

" You dont know who she is?", I asked, wanting to confirm if the mind erasing had worked.

" How am I supposed to? Have we met before ?", Dad asked.

I breathed down in relief. It seemed the stuff had worked successfully.

" Dad, Mum, this is Victoria Sepet my girlfriend ", I introduced again.

My parents stared at each other strangely.

" You, Elisse, girlfriend?", the doubt in their eyes were obvious.

" Young lady, hope he hasn't cajoled you or forced you by taking your nude pictures and blackmailing you to be his girlfriend? ", Mum asked Victoria.

" Mum !".


I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking the heavens that this whole shit was cleared. Now I could peacefully move on with my life. It was like a huge stone had been lifted off my shoulders, even though the whole memory wiping episode and the murder was still hitting me at the back of my mind.

Ding!. I received a new system notification.

[ New Mission Given : Kill to survive ]

[ Due to the Host becoming a dhampiric mort and gaining the new title, Hunter, Host has been given the mission : Kill To Survive. Host must Kill and absorb the essence of a paranormal entity in the next two weeks ]

[ Penalty For Failure : Deep hunger till fatal death ]

[ Till remaining for completion of assigned mission: 01 wks : 06 days : 23 hrs : 59 mins : 48 secs ] .

What the fucking hell?!!!!!!!!!.

Sorry it took long.

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