
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Dhampiric Mort

One week later,

I opened my eyes to the throbbing pain, again, again and again. If things continue this way, I might as well just commit suicide.

I struggled to stand from my bed. Alright in my room again. I bet Victoria has something to do with this.

Well besides that now, the system had told me that I fell into a comma, what I wanted to know was how many days was I in the coma ?. How did I survive those guys?.

I needed to find answers. I tried standing up from my bed but my entire body felt sticky. What now?.

I looked at my hands and what I saw almost made me puke.

My body was covered in a slimy, sticky substance that spread from head to toe. What the fuck was this?. It was so irritating, that I rushed out of the bed towards the bathroom.

But that was when I got another shock.

My feet seemed farther from my head than before. What the?. Had I grown taller ?. How?.

I rushed to my mirror and stared at my reflection.

Damn, I looked thinner and taller than before. My skin had grown paler than before but in a beautiful way . My face now looked a little bit handsome than before.

Thank you dhampir king system. With the rate at which things were going now, I might become a super model anytime soon.

I entered the bathroom to scrub the slimy shit off my body.

While washing my body in the shower, my mind reverted back to the vision I had when I was unconscious.

Who was that guy in the dark room and why did he look like me ?. He called me a vessel but what did he mean by that ?.

Did the..... Ding !.

I received a notification from my system.

[ Congratulations on leveling up ]

[ Host is now level 5 ] [ 25/240 exp ] .

[ On arriving at level 5, the genes of the Host has improved ]

[ The Host has successfully evolved into a dhampiric mort ]

[ For killing the Draconic shark hybrid, Host has gained a new title : Hunter ]

[ Reminder : Unused stats : 10 , unused free spin ] .

I evolved ?. Was this the reason for the changes in my body ?.

" System, what is a dhampiric mort ? ".

[ A dhampiric mort is an evolved species of Dhampir with heightened senses and power ] .

I rubbed my chin. Even with the information, it didn't seem like something I wouldn't expect. I also got a new title. Hunter. Did this title mean anything ?. What would I gain from it ?. Anyhow, I moved to the reminder section.

Well I'd be darned. Fuck me!. How the hell did I forget that I had 10 unused stats. I could have actually increased my stats and maybe at least survive the fight without falling unconscious.

" Show me my stats ", I told the system.

Immediately, another screen appeared before my eyes.

[ Strength :10 ].

[ Defense :10 ] .

[ Resistance :4]

[ Charm :4 ]

[ Agility :5 ]

[ Magic :1 ] .

I rubbed my chin thoughtfully. Then, I thought back to the fight with the shark girl. Even though my attacks were superb as they had been increased by 3 , I still felt that some parts were sloppy. i.e. my speed was really not fast enough to avoid some of her attacks. Next was my defense _ It was poor therefore making the hits take a number of hp that quickly led to my unconsciousness .

So I placed four stat points in defense, five in agility and then I put the last one in magic.

The reason why I placed the last point in magic was because the one showing on it made it look lame and underdeveloped.

After that, I summoned my system interface.

[ My Dhampir King System ]

[ Host : Elisse Rover???? Sepet???? ]

[ Form: Human ]

[ Species : Dhampiric Mort ]

[ Level 5 ] [ Exp 25/240 ]

[ The Princess's Servant , Hunter ]

[Hp : 100/100 ]

[ Strength: 10 ]

[ Defense : 14]

[ Resistance : 4 ]

[ Charm :4]

[ Agility :10 ]

[ Magic :2]

[ All stats will increase by 3 in dhampir form ]

[ Passive Skills : Blood Healing ]

[ Active Skills : Dhampir Transformation, Supreme Blood Control , Partial Dhampir King Transformation ]

[ Sub skills: Blood shot ] .

[ Blood Relations : All members of the Sepet clan ] .

Hey , Why did my surname and the Clan names have question marks besides them ?. Did this have anything to do with what Ms Bubbles had told me the other day ?.

And also, It seemed that my blood relations tab had also changed from Victoria to Members of the Sepet clan. This might be because of the blood communion as I now had some Sepet blood flowing through me courtesy my Master.

And it looked like I also got a sub skill. I tapped on blood shot for more information.

[ Blood shot : This skill allows the Host to manipulate blood through the Supreme Blood Control, turning Host's blood into powerful bullets .

Note : Each shot requires 5hp from the Host ] .

This was the same skill I had used to..........

Wait a minute, It didn't occur to me earlier. This whole level up, new title , new skill , it was all because I killed the draconic shark.

Shiiit. I actually murdered someone. I looked at my hands. So I was a killer now?. Was this what it entailed to be a dhampir ?. A cold hearted murderer.

What about the others? What had happened to them ?. Even though I understood that the cleansing was all about wiping out, why did killing have to be this easy for me ?.

This guilt will hang in my throat for a very long time. And it was all because of this fucked up system. I clenched my fist.

For the first time, I felt hate for the system.

Keep calm and read on.

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