
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

A promise.

A vast wasteland. A man wearing a mask stood chanting something to himself.

His hair was white in color and his build resembled that of a tall , impoverished man. He was putting on black overall.

Although the mask he was putting on covered his entire face, a small crack was visible around where his left eye was located. From inside the crack, a yellow glow was pouring out.

A loud echo of laughter filled the surroundings as he jumped in to the air.

Suddenly, circling around where he had stood before where abnormal beings that resembled monsters but also looked like humans.

" Hahahaha", the masked man cackled.

He quickly attacked the closest monster nearest to him.

His big palm covered the head of the monster, forcefully pulling it off the body, beheading it. The blood splattered across his masked face.

He attacked another monster thrusting his hand into it's stomach. His hand burst out from behind.

The other monsters quickly attacked him but they all met their demise.

After killing the last monster, he knelt besides it and dipped his hands into it's bloodied chest. Pulling out his hand, he brought out a deep blue colored pearl. Then lifting his mask, he swallowed it.

" Hahahahahahaha ", he laughed loudly,, revealing his face.



" Dude wake the fuck up ", I felt a hard tap on my back. I opened my eyes sweating.

" Why the hell are you laughing like a fucked up Villian in your sleep ?", Rin looked at me weirdly.

I blinked my eyes and looked around. The entire class was staring at me like a clown. Great. This same fucked up dream.

I had been having this same dream ever since I evolved into a dhampiric mort. I kept wondering if it had anything to do with it. I tried asking the system about it but it always refused to answer.

" Im sorry... it's just this crazy dream ", I rubbed my forehead.

" Hahaha.... I bet you've been piping ebony girls in your sleep ", Rin laughed.

I eyed him.

" But come to think of it dude, you hardly sleep in class... To be frank, the only time you've ever done it was when you stayed up all night playing video games in grade six.... so what's up", he asked.

He was pretty right. The main reason I was sleeping in class was because I couldn't get enough sleep in the night due to the reoccurring dreams and the pain in my stomach.

[ Mission: Kill To Survive ]

[ Status: Ongoing ]

[ Time Remaining for Completion: 00wks :5 days : 14 hrs : 20 mins : 34secs ] .

The fucked up pain kept on increasing every single day. I had tried taking stomach medications but they only made issues worse.

Night time was always hell these days as I struggled to find sleep amidst writhing in pain on the bed.

" It's nothing dude, I'm alright ", I lied. Rin shrugged his shoulders.

The pain in my stomach was a matter of concern for me now. And worse still was the fact that I couldn't even stay ten yards away from any regular vampire.

I had been avoiding Victoria and the others like a plague. This days, merely staring at Ray at basketball practice was like staring at a delicious, sumptuous, crumpy burger. My instincts were always on high alert anytime he came my way.

This tingling feeling passed through my stomach anytime I saw him, making the hunger and pain in my stomach increase.

Speaking of the others, Selene was still in a sorry unconscious state. Victoria had placed her in a glass coffin filled with sand to the brim.

Even though the coldness emitting from her was worse than that in a morgue,her skin was still smooth as ever suggesting a small amount of life in her.

" The blade used in stabbing her was filled with an anti vampire substance ", Victoria told me " It must be a type of spell ".

" Can't nothing be done about it ?", I asked her.

" The only way she can be cured is if the person who placed the poison removes it ".

So that meant one way or the other, if we wanted to cure Selene, we'd have to cross paths with the uprising again.

I clenched my fist. Two feelings struggled to take dominance within me.

One was the feeling of fear. Fear of the unknown. I didn't really know what the uprising members were capable of and how truly dangerous they were.

Two was the feeling of excitement. I don't know why, but deep down my heart, an excitement bubbled at the very thought of coming across them again.

But even amidst all these feelings and all though I didn't really know her much, I promised myself that no matter what happens, I must find a way to cure Selene.
