
The devils world

The world has been living in terror because of the massive battle between Gods and devil's. Today after the battle the Gods went to a deep sleep after being defeated and the devils are the new ruler of the world. Will the world live in peace during the devils reign or will it completely be destroyed by the devils. Will the humans live in peace or will it be their bad days.

Evans_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 3

After a year the mighty Jack decided to go on a journey on earth to see his two precious sons. His sons finally had entered the heartless universe. One thing bothered him will one of his sons be a devil or will he be a normal god. With a big smile on his face he reached the earth. When landed everyone hailed him and threw flowers on his path. Every inhabitant on earth was happy to see their king after a year. The humans used to love their king so much. It was all because this great king defiled the rules and saved the humans. Many years ago the gods and devils decided that their battle place will be the earth but the good king changed the battle location for heaven or hell so that he could save humans from the danger they would have caused them when fighting. The great god killed the terrorist devil who was always after the humans and always plotting to kill them. He was the best definition of a true king of the universe, he was truly mighty. When the king reached his wife's location he only heard cries of small babies, filled with joy the great god rushed to his sons. He was overwhelmed and could not his breath he only smiled, like a small child. He could not even speak because of the joy. Today he was holding a symbol of his pride and tears of joy rushed out his eyes. Today he could proudly say he was a father and he could not believe his eyes these where his own offsprings. This information reached all the planets and many kings, the whole world was merry especially the favourite inhabitants of the earth. Many were happy that the kings future heirs were born. It was the first time twins had been born in that world of gods. Many kings wished that they were their children.

The children had cute chubby faces and were extremely handsome. None of the children was as tall as them. People used to admire the but did not know what destiny had in store for them. Indeed life can be a tough experience for two sworn brothers.