
The devils world

The world has been living in terror because of the massive battle between Gods and devil's. Today after the battle the Gods went to a deep sleep after being defeated and the devils are the new ruler of the world. Will the world live in peace during the devils reign or will it completely be destroyed by the devils. Will the humans live in peace or will it be their bad days.

Evans_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Years passed like days and my brother,Evans and I grew slowly overtime.

Our father decided to train us into formidable warriors which established a reign of terror in people and also made them shiver in fear.

My evil requested the king to give Evans for her to train. One thing bothered me why is a devil insisting to train a god?

Our training went on smoothly although it was too hard. We adjusted to the training and it now did not look as hard as it did or was it?

Life can be tough sometimes my brother was taught how to kill and my evil mother sealed his god Lish power. She did not know that this was worst mistake in her life.

I mastered my father's technique but my brother ,unfortunately was unable to. As a result of being unable to master the skills of my father he was severely punished, he got some beatings from my father

Jealousy and a sense of evil were slowly growing in my brother. He never spoke to me again and this made me curious to know why? Stories of Evans bullying other children reached my father.

My father had awakened the devil in him and now the world paid the prize for it. My mother smiled when her son's actions reached her. She pretended to be worried and then I knew it was all my mother's doing.

I then decided to stay away from my brother because now he was a scary beast that was very violent. My father was ashamed of his son but soon he had to admit that it was his mistake.

My father cursed his marriage and doings.He regretted all the unjust actions to his son. He had taken his own child's future by giving a witch authority to train his son. Now his son was a heartless monster and true definition of a devil. With a sense of regret he visited his son to apologize to him.

He went to the bloody beast but in his room there was no one except for an open door and a lying dead body. The room was filled with blood and some bones.Jack could not believe his eyes his so was truly a devil in guise who ate humans on top of that.

His sons future was destroyed because of him, he was truly sad and fell to his feet and wept.