
The devils world

The world has been living in terror because of the massive battle between Gods and devil's. Today after the battle the Gods went to a deep sleep after being defeated and the devils are the new ruler of the world. Will the world live in peace during the devils reign or will it completely be destroyed by the devils. Will the humans live in peace or will it be their bad days.

Evans_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 2

The mighty Jack then fell deep in love with the apple of his eye and then decided to reproduce. One fateful night they had their fun and finally they woke up and to their surprise a war had broke out. War cries were heard everywhere and the entire castle filled with soldiers. His mighty father-in-law had attacked them. The stubborn evil late had attacked the king trying to make a mockery of himself. A person who dares to attack the god could be known with one character, stupid. No one dares to attack the king not even his father-in-law , he had to pay the price for attacking his son-in-law, only death was his punishment. Sounds of swords, people screaming and even the war bells were held. No group was willing to ceasefire and the battle was at its peak. The two bloody tyrants roared at each other and no one was willing to lose. The two giants clashed and exchanged strikes at each other. god Jack: "If today I perish it will be history that we fought and defeated the great devil lord who had been terrorizing the earth and it's inhabitants killing and rapping people of the earth"."Today it will be history that one of the great gods sons ,Jack managed to exact his revenge by slaying his father's enemy"." Today I shall make my father proud, and my brother comforted". "My brother has been suffering from the inside and now he shall be relieved from the pain".

Devil lord: "Today I the great lord of the devils will kill everyone and make my clan proud."hahahahaha,today the devil clan will make the god bow to his feet". "In the history of the devils I will be known as a destroyer".

The battle went on until the so called great devil lord was killed.Everyone hailed the gods and were delighted.The great looking lord showed why he is called god.