
The Devil Arises

I just started writing out of a whim and is my first novel so don’t expect anything great/ if there are any errors please write it in the comments that’s all and enjoy it :) [A boy gets his hands on something mysterious and faces many adversaries while uncovering the mystery of what he got.] That’s all, I just hope that it gets better as it progresses

Unknownnoob · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Inside The Cave

The woman was mesmerized from what she was seeing. The place was full of different types of colored flowers, a nice and beautiful crystal clear pond and trees with different types fruits but there was a spot that had nothing growing, in that little spot all the plant that were supposed to be there nothing but black dirt could be seen.

As she got closer there was a sort of warmth that enveloped her. At this point her skinny and weak body gained some strength and she walked to the place that was full of life, when she reached a tree she sat down and dozed off to sleep.

Unbeknownst to her the baby crawled down her and was approaching the little spot that was dead. There was an object floating right in the center covered in black mist


The baby made noises while crawling, once he arrived he sat down looking at what appeared to be an orb, the little small orb was clear and it appeared to have some kind of liquid but it was transparent.

Stretching it's hand out to reach the orb the baby fell face down and was about to cry when the orb lowered itself in front the face of the baby which made hi try to grab it again.


The baby's cute voice could be heard. When he was about to reach it the orb suddenly moved out of the way and into the mind of the baby. Because the orb disappeared the baby began to cry and thus waking up his mother.

When she woke up from the cry and noticed that his baby was not there she panicked and looked around, since the cave was not that big she quickly found him and hastily got up and runs towards him.

"D-dear, are you all right"

Stuttering she picked him up and checked if anything had happened to him, when she noticed that he only had dirt in his she sighed in relief and said.

"You scared me, please should be more careful"

She did not see anything amiss since the orb that was there went inside the child and with it the mist got absorbed that only left the black dirt.


Noticing the growl she blushed and walked to a tree that had a strange orange fruit she grab it and began to eat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Like that time passed the child became one year old and astonished his mother when he began to talk and walk fluently.

Another year passed and he became two years old, while he was eating his mother scratched with a rock another mark on the wall marking a day of being alive.

In those two years neither the mother or the child went outside the cave. Since the cave was always lit both the mother and the child did not sleep much but they did not need it, the fruit that they ate somehow made them have more energy those needing less sleep so most of the time she would teach him about the outside world or tell him stories.

Like the adventures the she had when she was younger or talk about the different races existed, but the one that exited him the most was when she talked about the elf's. She would always say that the elf's were the most beautiful creatures and how they could interact with spirits, but what amazed him was that only the elf's were the only ones that could see them.

Day by day time passed and another year went by and he became three years old. On that peculiar day he felt something inside of his body.