
The Devil Arises

I just started writing out of a whim and is my first novel so don’t expect anything great/ if there are any errors please write it in the comments that’s all and enjoy it :) [A boy gets his hands on something mysterious and faces many adversaries while uncovering the mystery of what he got.] That’s all, I just hope that it gets better as it progresses

Unknownnoob · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Beginning

"RUN GET OUT OF HERE" screamed a man that was covered in blood, he was fighting against a pack of giant magical beast known as 'Silver Wolfs' they were known for their fast speed and jaws that could penetrate iron shields.

As the woman heard her husband's scream she began to run away without looking back while carrying a baby in her arms. She ran into the thick forest that would send shiver to even the top adventurers, for some unknown reason all the adventurers that went in never came, there was one time that an S-rank adventurer made it out alive but went crazy.

So although the woman knew that the forest was insanely dangerous she had no other choice, If she ran strait through the road she would get caught and killed by the wolfs so she had no other option but to pass through the woods even tho the outcome would probably be the same, but who could blame her, she could maybe survive through the forest since no one knew what was inside.

The further in the woman would go the harder it became to see since a mist had appeared and got thicker and thicker by the moment. Stumbling through the forest the woman tripped on a tree root and fell down while hugging the baby tightly close to her chest so that it wouldn't suffer any damage. Although the baby was not hurt it began to cry because of the abrupt shaking.

Cry's could be heard resounding through the forest. The woman stayed down on the ground trying to calm the baby down.

"Shhh, please be quiet"

In a soft voice said the woman while doing everything at her disposal calm him down, she was desperate since she did not know what lurked in the forest and could not see because of the fog, something could just jump right at her from the front without her even noticing.

After a while the baby had finally calmed down and the woman started to stand up slowly, once she was up she started walking trying to make as little noice as possible, every once in a while she could hear the howling that the beast made and every time she heard them she froze right where she was afraid that a beast might notice her.

Not knowing how much time has passed she started to get tired hungry and thirsty, just like her the baby was getting hungry and every time it did it began to cry in panic she would take her breast out to feed it.

As the days passed every day was the same, she would try to find something to eat and drink while at the same time feed her baby. Day by day she was getting thinner and thinner walking around aimlessly through the fog with no sign of light.

She about to collapse when she saw a light in the distance, desperate since that was the first light she had seen since she entered the forest she put in more force to try and reach the light, but to her disappointment she found a cave and the light that she saw was coming from within. She started walking in with no other choice left, and what she saw amazed her, there where beautiful crystals of different colors.

Walking through the cave she saw all types and sizes of crystals from green to purple, light color to dark color, and from small to big. Every color that one could think of was there.

But that wasn't what mesmerized her the most, the next scene at the end of the cave left her flabbergasted. She had seen the most beautiful scene in her life.