
The Devil Arises

I just started writing out of a whim and is my first novel so don’t expect anything great/ if there are any errors please write it in the comments that’s all and enjoy it :) [A boy gets his hands on something mysterious and faces many adversaries while uncovering the mystery of what he got.] That’s all, I just hope that it gets better as it progresses

Unknownnoob · Fantasy
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3 Chs


On his third birthday Evan felt that an energy began to emerge itself from his body, as energy surfaced his whole body began to lit up on fire. Since he was in water taking a bath the water began to evaporate.

Noticing this, out of instinct he began to retract the energy and the fire went out leaving nothing on his body as if nothing had happened before, at that moment he began to feel the energy around him and started absorbing it, but after a while he stopped and remembered about something that his mother had talked about before. Something called 'Magic'.

Evan's mother had once talked about how the people from the outside could use an energy called 'Mana' and while controlling the said 'Mana' people were able to manifest the elements of nature.

There were different types of elements and followed: Dark, Light, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and in some rare cases Lighting, and Ice.

He got up from the the little pond that was created by his mother so that they could take a bath, and went running to his mother and yelling.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy"

When she noticed him she grabbed his clothes and started put them on him.

"You should tell me when your done, you are going to catch a cold if you continue doing this"

"Okay" he agreed nodding his head and then spoke again.

"I want momphff"

Muffled when she was putting on his shirt he then again restarted from the beginning.

"I want mommy to teach me magic"

His mother surprised by his question makes a complicated face and bursts his bubble.

"Sorry dear but you can only start to learn magic once your five so you will have to wait two more years"

Not bothered by what she said he stretches out his hand and responds.

"But I can use fire"

A little flame then appeared on his little hand, this of course made his mother blank out, right now she had an expression of surprise with her beautiful blue eyes wide open

"H-how is that possible"

Full of surprise she stutters and takes a few steps back hence making Evan put a worried expression on his face.

"Mommy are you okay?"

He asked making her flinch as she realized that she was probably scaring him of and realizing that she was scared herself.

'What am I thinking he's my son, I should be proud of him'

Thinking that she composed herself and replies trying to assure him that she is fine.

"I am fine do not worry"

She then walks and kneels down in front of him and caresses his face.

"I will teach you how to use magic but I do not know much so my teachings will be limited, for now why don't you go play while I plan what to teach you"

Hearing her words he becomes exited and nods.

"Okay" He then runs off to the flowers and starts looking for bugs

'Oh dear, our child is a genius'

With those thoughts she then goes to a tree, grabs a fruit, sits down and begins to think about his husband.

"Dear I hope that you are all right, and managed to survive"

Time passes and Evan returns with a tired look on his face since he was running around all the time.

"Mommy I am tired"

He got near to the side of his mom and cuddled.

As she patted him on the head she said.

Aright sleep well since when you wake up I am going to teach you about magic.


With a smile on his face he went to sleep.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Mc: Name: Evan

Age: 3

Elements: Fire, ???

Mother: Name: ???

Age: 23

Elements: ???, ???