
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

A new world

A little red-haired girl entered a room while rubbing the tears from her eyes, Within the room she entered another red-haired girl who was fast asleep, only to be awakened the her soft sniffs. annoyed she turned over to look at her twin sister who was crying.

"What's wrong?" She asked coldly, the little one pressed her lips together as she tried to put on an act like nothing was wrong. but with a cold glare, a chill ran up her spine as she quickly spilled what happened.

Hearing that someone was bullying her, she got out of bed and went to go deal with this, There her twin sister Erza pointed out the troublemaker, a boy who was hanging out with a group of others.

stepping forward, she tapped the shoulders of that kid, and as soon as the kid turned around, a fist slammed hard into the kid's face, sending the kid rocketing away, breaking his jar while knocking him out.

With that over and down, she went back to sleep, leaving Erza panicking seeing the kid was bleeding. sure the kid bullied him, but this was too far. this is why she didn't want to tell her big sister, she made things a bigger deal than it was, and she could have handled it.

soon the kid's parents came looking for answers, but upon seeing it was Erza's sister who did this, they were forced to swallow her rage. She might only be 3 years old, but anyone who dared to wake her up was beaten to near death.

Erza and her twin sister Emilia appeared in this village 3 years ago, their mother or whoever left them there. they were taken into the orphanage and the strangeness of Emilia spread.

one, She went by the name Sora. She slept for 5 days a week and would be barely awake for the remaining 2 days. She barely eats, but when she eats she eats as if she was a bear about to go to sleep for a long time.

She was freakishly strong, by the age of 1 she was beating up children who were crying too loudly and getting in the way of her sleep. All she wanted to do was sleep, eat, and sleep.

Erza was not strange, she usually tried her best to keep Emilia from going overboard, but with a look from Emilia, Erza would lose all strength to stand up to her. Erza was given the title angel due to how sweet she was, and Emilia was the devil, grown up and young normally voided her. but it's been months since someone got beaten up, it was a matter of time before something happened.

Normally, Erza after being bullied wouldn't go to her room, but who would have expected Emilia to be sleeping in her room instead of hers? Erza apologized to the kid's parents while explaining everything, which left the kids unable to hate her to only threw their rage at Emilia.

Ezra went back to her room where she saw her sister getting dressed, as if she was leaving to go somewhere.

"I was sleeping in your room waiting for you, I'm leaving this village for some time," Sora said calmly, stunning Erza who looked at her sister who seemed to be half asleep while saying all of this. for someone who is always sleeping, it was weird to see that even now she was tried as if he did something

"C-can I come with you?" She asked in a weak tone, to which Sora disdainfully looked at her, causing her neck to shrink back like a turtle. Walking forward, Sora forced her to look her in the eyes,

"I don't have time to babysit a crybaby, you're weak and would only slow me down," Sora said calmly, making Erza bite her lips as she tried to stop herself from crying. this was not the first time her big sister called her weak, trash, or all other types of names. but this was the first time she said it while getting ready to leave, it had been her and Sora from the start

Sora shook his head, as she said, a crybaby. after saying a few things, Sora left later that night once Erza was asleep. although Sora was asleep, after all after such a long-distance travel, he could sleep for hundreds of years without trouble, but he wanted to do a few things before he got ready for such deep sleep.

the first being, that he wanted to know about this world. those few 2 days of the week he has been up, he gained a little information on this world. for example, this world has things called guides, where mages join to be amongst other mages and do missions to get a stable form of income

Magic did exist within this world, but a small amount of people in this world were able to use such magic. Sora's magic was left pointless in this world, the laws that govern this world were completely different so he needed to learn magic once more from the ground up.

As the Demon Sovereign, he was of course knowledge, In his past life he had mastered all magic in the universe, and was able to use the Source of all magic, something which others might call Reality Wrapping magic.

even so, Sora's soul was powerful. just by doing nothing for the past 3 years, he had gotten stronger. after all, the body needs to grow to hold the body, even with his soul's current and tired state, it forced the body to grow to hold it.

Not all of Sora's magic was left pointless, for example, Sora found that he could use Chaos magic, although at as much as before. what was chaos Magic? it was magic that countered Order, Reasoning, Common sense, Logic, and the rules that govern the universe.

Orber and Chaos are forever in an endless battle, one day Chaos will swallow Order, and through Chaos, Orber shall be reborn, and through Order Chaos shall be born. an endless cycle of yin and yang, destruction and creation.

'What a pain, this world is so much bigger than mine. I should stay on this planet and not go around looking at other dimensions. I should try and sense a place with the highest construction of magical power before doing anything, then I could avoid them.' Sora thought while walking over to a lake, Using telekinesis he grew out of the water and used it to write words around a hole he had created.

"How did it go? Mirror mirror on the wall, something something." He stretched his head for a moment before shrugging and using chaos magic, destroying the need for him to remember such nonsense, after which the hole he created was filled with water which showed the images of the planet.

Words had power, to say the least, he easily learned the language of this world and was able to use the power of this world's words. This runes allowed him to see things, adding his connection to the planet, Sora could see the whole planet, all but places where people block outside people from viewing.

Sora made a few hand seals, and after a moment, the planet in the image began to be filled with colors. from red to green. to say the least, red was where super powerful people were, and those lighter colors like orange and green were weaker people,

Sora made more hand seals while remembering this image, after which the image changed once more as places with books, and books were shown. Sora remembered this once more before he made another hand seal to see where the oldest buildings and stuff like that were, and again it was shown, Sora had it show many more things, which was a lot.

after which, he saw his current locations, and went on to destroy everything he did and left. The image she saw overlapped in his head, and after thinking for some time he found the place he was looking for The Bureau of Magical Development

The Bureau of Magical Development was where Sora saw that a lot of books were located, it was red, but not super red like the other places he had seen. of course, Sora seeing red meant that it would be super hard for him to deal with. It was like playing a game, you would of course avoid red areas. but Sora just wanted to spy on the place and not kill

So, he flew off. Destroying the rules that said he should fly, Sora could of course fly. in a few days, he arrived Land of Isva, where the Bureau Of Magical Development was found, Sora would have gotten here faster but he got sleep and took a few naps.

The Bureau was located on a rocky and dry plain, with no other buildings or signs of civilization in the immediate area. the Bureau took on an otherworldly, mechanical appearance: it was an extremely high building, seemingly composed of metal, whose shape was highly reminiscent of a crescent moon, leaning on the ground with one edge, with a series of massive, dark cable-like structures linking its lower curved part to the ground and holding it in place.

Sora looked at this building while his eyes flashed allowing him to see through the building and see the side, where he saw a bunch of people in uniforms. sora eyes before his eyes landed on a white-haired man, Sora eyed him for some time studying his every mode to read just what type of person he was

"I thought this would be under the hands of the magical council, but this guy screams out evil," Sora said calmly while looking at the white-haired man, Sora thought for some time about all of this before his eyes landed on a little girl who was currently going through some experiments, causing her to scream in pain.

'I'm unable to read what type of magic he uses, after all This isn't the same world I came from, but I can read what type of fighting style he prefers. he is not a hand-to-hand combat type, more of a mid or long rage battle. his senses are weak, I had to allow him to sense me, and he has no counter to anti-tracking magic. he can't pinpoint my location, he seems to also have two personalities, which he seems to be scared of.' Sora thought while looking back towards the white-haired man

he was the strongest person there, so he made sure to study him carefully, and this white man came outside to look around after sensing how someone was watching him. he saw a little girl around 3 years old, with a dark circle under her eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked coldly as he knew this little girl wasn't simple, Something about this little girl made him uneasy, he was unsure if it was the girl or not, but something was off he went on guard even more as he saw the little girl eyes glow with a red light, but the next moment when he tried to take a breath, he found himself unable

shocked, he held his neck and tried to breathe in, but instead, his breath left him by force as if he was in a vacuum of space, if he didn't breathe out he felt like he might have exploded, the man looked toward Sora who was watching him with a raised eyebrow. he raised his Staff towards Sora and shot a beam at Sora, who quickly jumped to the side to dodge it

'a darkish green color?' Sora got no information from the color of the beam, but he did get information from the feeling that magic gave off. it was darkness, it should have been some type of darkness magic.

Sora would have had a hard time dodging this attack if he wasn't running out of air, Sora watched him for a moment before allowing him to breathe enough hair, just enough for him to remain awake and hear him

What Sora did was simply destroy the air around him, creating a vacuum in which he stood. his body was powerful so he didn't explode, and the cold was something he could withstand for some time, but he was freezing, and out of breath.

"I didn't come looking for trouble, I simply wish to read on the magic you have. I'm sure you value your life more than those books." Sora said calmly, to which the man looked at him in fear, Sora looked closely at that look and nodded while removing the vacuum

the man coughed while struggling to breathe, he looked at Sora not understanding what type of magic Sora just used

"My magic has no weakness, I simply destroy whatever I want," Sora said calmly while snapping his finger, preventing gravy from affecting the man, and causing him to slowly float into the sky. he picked up and quickly grabbed onto something to hold himself down,

'Flight magic or the ability to fly seems to be rare.' Sora thought calmly,

"w-who are you? And why have I never heard of such magic?" He yelled, to which Sora shrugged slightly

"Call me the demon Sovereign... I sense your second personality likes my ability, call him out, and if he is to my liking, I might make him a demon lord." Sora said with a smirk, causing the man's eyes to shrink in horror Before he could say anything the white in his eyes turned red, there Sora saw the second personality make his appearance, with a mad evil smile that hungered for destruction,