
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The End and Beginning of a story

"What is it boy?" a tall man, who was over 10 feet tall said coldly while looking down from the top of his throne. He had long red hair tied into a ponytail, and the air around him was heavy, a normal person would disappear soul and all if they neared him.

Currently, he held some wine in his hands which he drank while resting his head on his fist, which longbow was on the throne armrest. it was a cool-looking scene, an image that he took years to refine

"The Hero has attacked, and is trying to defeat the 7 demon lords." A young handsome man said respectfully, this was his son. hearing his son, the man frowned and got up from on top of his throne. He was known as the Demon Sovereign, the strongest thing in the world. so powerful that he needs 7 demon lords to seal away his unmatched power. but lately, he has been growing too powerful, the 7 demon lords who at first were strengthened thanks to the seal were now growing weaker, unable to suppress his powers anymore.

With a step, space-time wrap. the demon sovereign appeared outside his castle which was bigger than the stars. the demon sovereign frowned while looking at the sight before his eyes, there the 7 demon lords were fighting against a blonde-haired man, the Hero.

Having no time to waste, the demon lord moved to go save the 7 demon lords. if they died, his power will leave his control and destroy everything, leaving him all alone within an empty void.

The Hero seeing the Demon Sovereign's eyes narrowed, with a burst of his energy the demon lord was sent flying back and the Hero's party moved to hold them back while the Hero moved to face the demon Sovereign.

In this world, it was impossible to injure the demon sovereign. it was not even a joke, it was impossible unless one had the sword in the hero's hands. A sword created with the power of Order, which countered the Demon Sovereign, and could not only injure him but even kill him.

the demon sovereign eyes narrowed while looking at the sword, to think during his 100 years of slumber such a mess would happen. the Hero and Demon Sovereign fought, but with the shock waves being created it was clear to everyone that the Demon Sovereign couldn't fully control his power, space and time were cracking, and the whole world was shaking feeling the impact of his power.

"What is your goal? are you trying to take the whole world down?" The Demon Sovereign asked coldly while taking a step backward, he looked at the huge cut in his fist, before throwing a cold glare at the hero who was coughing up a mouthful of blood.

He looked at the demon Sovereign in shock, the last time they fought the demon Sovereign wasn't this powerful. but now with the demon Sovereign blood on his sword, everything can fall into motion. with a wave, the blood flew out and disappeared.

runes appeared, swallowing the whole world. Chains exploded out, chaining up the demon sovereign. the demon Sovereign frowned for a moment before he pulled causing the chains to start breaking, but more and more chains appeared, all countering his very existence,

"Chains of Order?" the demon Sovereign said in shock before he noticed the 7 demon lords the hero should have been fighting to disappear. they were illusions, but that was impossible, how could he of all people be tricked by an illusion?

The demon sovereign eyes narrowed as he looked to the side, where his son along with his wife appeared.

"your biggest mistake was taking the goddess of heaven as your wife, you gave us this chance to put you down for good." The hero said while his sword began to glow, gathering the power from across all of existence, the demon Sovereign was poisoned, causing his senses to not be as sharp as before.

He forcefully took the goddess of heaven as his wife due to her beauty which transcends many, but in doing so he made a weakness for himself.

"This attack holds the power of Order and all its glory. with this, I shall create a new future, without you in it... you were not a bad king, but as we all see, you were going to destroy this world." The Hero said softly, the Demon Sovereign went on to win the battle and conquered this world. he was an unmatched monster, everyone expected his rule to be cruel after all the stuff he did to his enemies was well known. but the world had been more peaceful, ever since he took control

but his power had only continued growing, he could go into deep sleep to slow his growths down as much as he wants, but it was only slowing his growth down, he was still growing and soon his power would kill the 7 demon lords.

The demon Sovereign struggled to break free from the chains, they all broke apart with ease, but the amount that kept coming trapped him. The Demon Sovereign watched as the Hero flashed forward, stabbing him through the chest with the sword of Order. the Demon Sovereign froze as he coughed up a mouthful of blood,

"... You son shall take over your empire. this world is more peaceful with one person in control. your death although isn't just, its a must." he said softly, many times he tried to help the demon sovereign seal his strength, and many times he was ignored and attacked. all of this could have been avoided if the demon lord simply asked for his help, with his power he was able to suppress the demon,

the world was quiet for some time before the demon sovereign suddenly laughed, catching the hero off guard. with a push, the Hero was sent shooting backward, only watched as Demon Sovereign shattered the chains,

"going back as 1,000 years ago when I took her as my wife, I had this plan set in motion. I needed you to channel all of the power of Order through the sword of Order, and give it to me." the Demon Sovereign said with a smirk, causing everyone's eyes to widen while watching the demon Sovergin summon the sword of chaos.

"It got boring once the story ended, but now I'm free from its control. So I can break free and see what's beyond this world." He said with a smile, as he slowly pulled the sword out of his stomach, it was of course painful, the most pain he had ever felt. but the concept of pain was something he was used to,

In his hand, he held one demonic Black sword which gave off a black aura that appeared as a fog coming off the sword. On the other hand, was a golden sword that gave off a holy aura, these were the most powerful swords in existence, swords that channeled the power of chaos and Order. two of the strongest forces in existence,

He went on to forcefully fuse the two, causing them to become an unstable sword. reaching out with his free hands, the demon Sovereign's castle shattered, revealing its true form which was a cannon.

"I have no time to waste with you all, so this is a good buy." the demon sovereign disappeared entering the cannon which draw upon his power and fire him out. at a speed that space and time became solid, the demon Sovereign shot forward, shattering space and time, and kept going faster and faster,

Flew past the reach of space and time, while he reached the edge of the page on which his story was told. it was a large white wall, he smirked as he took the unstable sword, and with everything he had, he pierced through the wall, and kept flying at high speed while the whole he created began closing in behind him.

Seeing as it was catching up, it meant that he was slowing down, and the sword was slowly losing its power, causing him to slow down even more. His eyes narrowed as the unstable sword was weak enough for him to better fuse the two powers.

With the power of chaos and order at his fingertips, he drew it into his power, causing his power to explode great, but his body to begin cracking. He was Chaos, to draw Order into his body like this was like eating poison.

he shot forward at high speed, but the end of this wall was nowhere to be seen. he began to slow down, and soon the wall was closing behind him, nearly causing him to frown, but he kept moving forward and kicked the wall when it was about to close in on him, pushing himself forward.

like this, he brought out of that wall and appeared outside it. but upon doing so, he froze as he found himself in a pure white world. he looked behind him and saw the wall closing up, the world he just came out of wasn't surrounded by a pure white color like the wall, instead, it was glowing with all types of colors.

He looked around for a moment before noticing that something was absorbing him, it was like bits of his being was causing his body to break apart. he easily resisted this and pulled out a few treasures he had created.

'now, if leaving a story was that hard, it might be harder to enter one. well, I spent 1,000 years planning all of this.' An armor covered him before he shot forward. 10,000 years ago, he had conquered his world, he was the strongest and was all-powerful. his story had ended, and he sat on this throne, ruling everything with an iron fist.

but as time passed, he grew born of things, he felt as if things had changed. growing up, his life was filled with excitement, risks, and many other things. but once he took over everything, it was like the pencil writing his story was put down.

as he grew stronger, he reached a level of strength where he saw the truth of his world. That which is called fate is simply the pencil some greater being is using to write the story, he was fated to be what he was, it was his story. he was the main character. now over, and this left him feeling uncomfortable,

His life of his was not his first life, in his first life he was a normal human from a place called Earth. He reincarnated in this world as a demon and went on to climb his way to the peak. but if this was a story, then were the stories he heard back on earth real?

could those Stories be other? So he began looking and soon saw a wall that even he couldn't see through. the fact he found that he needed the combined power of Order and Chaos to break past this wall shocked him, so he began planning on finding a way to break past that wall.

Currently, this armor he was wearing was built to help him store can control Order. currently, this power was leaking out of his body, but with the armor, it gave him enough time to store this energy and feed it some treasures so it could recover, after all, he would need it to break through another wall soon to enter another world,

time passed, to pass the time he counted to see just how long he was within this place, which he called the blank paper. he counted to 4 sextillions before he saw another world, which was over 10 quadrillion years.

even if he was immortal, even if he had made plans, with such a huge amount of time passing, he realized that he was not truly immortal. he had aged and was an old man, in truth he would have gone made if he didn't find something to distract his mind with, that being the power of Order and all of its usefulness. at times he even entered a half-sleep state to help him aging slower and pass the time sooner.

'Either I become much faster, or I build something to help me do this.' he thought as he stopped before the world. this world had a different color to him, from afar he saw that it formed a strange image of something he had no idea of. so he guessed this world might have lifeforms he had never seen before.

He reached forward and with difficulty, he pierced through, but in doing so his armor crumbled away, disappearing altogether. all that was holding it together was his power, but if him now using it to pierce through, it of course disappeared.

with a flash, he entered this world, and at high speed, he shot forward. but he quickly realized that entering was harder than leaving. he pushed through with everything he had, pushing and pushing through, he threw the little treasures that were remaining at it, but in the end, the wall close in, swallowing his foot and forcing him to cut it off.

he kicked the wall, sending him forward just in time to save his other body parties. He gritted his teeth before he used a forbidden magic to burn away his flame of life for a boost of power, with him so holding this would kill him, so he planned on reincarnating into this world. it was a risk as he didn't know if reincarnation existed in other words, but at this rate, he would be crushed within this place soul and all

His foot quickly recovered, in the past, he thought he was unkillable, capable of recovering even if his soul, history, and so on were erased. he was chaos, he was unkillable, and not even time could kill him. but now, he realized nothing truly last forever.


he broke through the wall, and quickly his eyes move around to scan this world, but he was shocked to see how much bigger this world was compared to his. his world was only a universe that had 3 realms, the mortal realm, the demon realm, and the heavenly realm,

this world had an infinite number of universes, with each universe being made out of countless dimensions. his eye glowed for a moment, but his body crumbled to dust, leaving his soul which quickly hopped into the cycle of reincarnation, where it found another soul it stayed next to so he could use that soul to hide his aura, who knows if this world had someone like him who would have sensed his aura or something.

but his mind was tired and he was sleeping, so long he stayed awake. before all of this, he was only a little over 50,000 years old. yet not look how old he was... anyways, after making sure everything was safe, he entered a deep sleep. he fared that staying awake any longer might lead to him being reborn with his memory sealed, which would have been troublesome to have to unseal his past life self, and than he would have to worry about if the new him was him or someone else.

So, he went to sleep. he would be born tired, so he planned to spend his childhood resting his mind before he goes off to learn about this world.