
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


"Why do you stand behind me? Do you now have something else to do?" Sora asked calmly while reading a book, with the white-haired man standing behind him, his eyes were red showing this was his other personality which sought destruction. he was called Zero, while his other personality was called Brain

"I was hoping to learn just a bit of your wisdom." Zero said softly, he was in love. Sora had won his heart by the pure level of destruction he could do, destroying the rules of gravity, and destroying the air around him, his heart was moved, leading to him bringing Sora in.

"By wisdom, you want to have my power?" Sora asked, making Zero panic to quickly explain, to which Sora just shook his head and explained

"My power isn't destruction, it's a chaotic contradiction. My power just goes against logic, reason, and so on. Destruction is like my child, its birth from that contradiction." Sora said calmly, stunning Zero. Sora pointed forward, towards a glass of water, which then fell and shattered on the ground

"The reason for that glass falling is because I acted, destroy that reason and what do you have?" Sora asked calmly as the glass of water suddenly reappeared on the table, stunning Zero.

"Logic says that 1+1 is 2. After all, take 1 paper and another paper together you have 2 papers. So why do I have 5?" Sora said calmly as he put to papers together, only to reveal it had added up to 5, Zero's eyes almost popped out seeing this.

"All reason and common sense are thrown out the window before my power, therefore for my power has no weaknesses," Sora said calmly, but the fact his power had no weakness was a weakness. he couldn't control it. one day this power would grow so much he would struggle to control it, and destroy everything, and might even destroy himself, for this was a weakness.

"You are not capable of using the power of chaotic contradiction, but you can gain the power of wrath, with it any mark you leave in this world shall remain for all of time. you can cause injuries that shall never leave. once you get angry, your power shall not only increase, but you shall gain the power to destroy, and no matter what, all your attacks shall ignore rules and reason," Sora said with a smirk, stunning Zero who nodded as he waited for this power

"I can't simply give you this power, so you must go and prove that this power suits you. a test to build your mindset towards this power, this Nirvana thing you want to do. I am interested in this Nirvana power, and I'm interested to see if this power would accept you." Sora said with a smile, he held out his palm creating a raging flame that burned with the will to swallow all of existence.

Zero trouble backward in the hero, but the flame entered his chest, leaving him stunned. Zero felt the flames in his chest, but the flame just lay there, ignoring him and entering a deep slumber.

"That flame will sleep, and once you enter a mindset which the flames accept, it shall give you its power. until then, it would feed on your magical power for it to remain in this world or else it would disappear. Once it fuses with you, such trouble shall disappear." Sora said calmly, Sora tapped forward causing Zero to feel bits of the flame's power.

Sora had him damage something, after which Sora tried to fix it. but Zero tried and tried, but he couldn't fix the chair which leg he broke. he tried to glue it, and try other stuff, but it was all pointless. this shocked him for some time, and he looked toward Sora in shock.

"If the power accepts you, then you shall become the demon lord of wrath. but take note that if after 20 years this flame doesn't accept you, it shall leave you forever... so, do you accept to being my follower?" Sora said calmly, Zero looked at Sora for some time, Sora was only 3 years old, but it was this 3-year-old that won over his heart. Zero of course chose to follow Sora.

"Good, I look forward to your future work. Maybe one day you would not only destroy this world but the worlds across all of existence." Sora said causing Zero to a node in excitement, simply watching Sora destroy things brought him the most pleasure, but if he could join... that would be better

Sora had him have people bring him some books on magic, he had to admit he was rocky he struggled upon Zero. what were the chances that someone like this would be out there waiting for him? anyways, Creating that flame weakened Sora, but that flame would grow stronger by feeding off Zero energy,

Zero was not worthy of being Wrath, his heart didn't hold that anger, and that hatred. Sora just used him to grow stronger quickly. once that flame returned to Sora, Sora would of course be far stronger. of course, his getting stronger had the side-effect of his power getting stronger, but this world was stronger than his old world, Sora could find a group of powerful people who should be able to keep his power in check.

the first person that came to mind was that little girl they were doing experiments on, She might grow to hold deep hatred which Sora could turn towards the world, and maybe she might grow to have 1 of the other 7 sins, either way, Sora plan to meet her soon and build a place in her heart.

Anyways, Sora quickly got into learning about the magic of this world, and he was shocked. back in his world, magic didn't come in sets like this world. in his old world, there was a type of magic, for example, fire magic, where one could learn the type of sleep to cast.

but in this world, there were still types of magic, for example, Ice Magic. unlike one needing to learn how to cast all types of spells, in this world, one simply needed to learn to control their magic, which branch into different type of spells, which in return made it easier for others to copy said magic if they were talented enough.

In Sora's old world, one needed to say a chant before casting a spell, and if the spell was mastered there would be no need for chants. In this world, simply knowing Fire Magic meant that you could find new ways to control magic on the fly,

This was interesting to Sora as it was completely different from what he knew, so he went on to go through all of the magic Zero had, but they didn't have that much so Brain would go out to bring back more rare and lost magic for Sora to learn,

All that took place in only 3 days. Sora had the little girl they were doing experiments on pass by his room, so she could see him. her name was Ultra. She was born with too much power, which was slowly killing her, so her mother brought her here to see if they could save her child. it has been only about 2 weeks since her mother dropped her off, she was scheduled to come in 2 weeks from now.

Ultra blankly looked at the ground while walking toward her room, but the sound of a book being placed down caught her attention, leading her to look over to see a red-haired girl around the same age as her.

the two looked eyes, and the red-haired girl waved at her to come, stunning her. She looked behind her and saw that the guys watching her not saying anything, so she entered the room, where saw the room Sora was within, filled with all types of books

"It's a bit boring staying here all by myself, I didn't know someone else was here. Come, eat." Sora said with a smile. stunning Ultra as Sora didn't sound as if she was being experimented on.

"You're not being experimented on?" Ultra asked, to which Sora gave her a confused look before shaking his head.

"No, I'm learning magic," Sora said softly while having Ultra sit down, after which he gave her some candy, which stunned Ultra, she had never seen these treats in so long she thanked Sora and began eating.

"Did your parents bring you here?" Ultra asked, to which Sora shook his head, before explaining how Zero brought him in to teach him magic, and how he would beat him if she fell asleep. Sora even gave an annoyed look, which made Ultra pity him seeing the eye bag under Sora's eyes, it was clear Sora was sleepy.

"Did your parents bring you here?" Sora asked curiously, to which Ultra almost cried... no she cried, for the first time someone seemed to care about her. unlike Brain who experimented on her, causing her great pain to the point she screams her lungs out.

"My mother abandoned me here," Ultra said softly while looking down, stunning Sora who went to sit next to her to stop her from crying.

"... did Brain tell you?" Sora asked to which Ultra nodded weakly, She didn't know that her magical power was killing her. She didn't know as no one told her, all she knew was that one day she found herself here, with her mother nowhere to be seen.

"I will not trust Brain, no mother would ever abandon their child... well, mine did, but it's different," Sora said softly, causing Ultra to look at him curiously. Sora gave a sad smile before explaining

"I remember the day I was born. I have a twin sister, it was just me and her, and our mother. she seemed to have been going crazy, no longer human she wanted to take one of our bodies. but she couldn't bring herself to do it, so she left us at an orphanage and disappeared. One day, Brain found me and brought me here." Sora said stunning Ultra, she looked at Sora for a moment before she hugged him.

at least she grew up with a mother, meanwhile Sora never even had one. now he was taken away from his only sister and forced to learn magic under that big mean guy... so a friendship was built. Sora being a demon was good at manipulating people, he so easily built a connection between himself and her, making them both have something to relate to and have to suffer through.

So, starting from then on. Ultra stayed with Sora and was only taken away for her experiments. Ultra was stunned that Sora could do this, but when she saw why Brain would take him in, she understood. Sora's magical power almost destroyed this whole place when they wanted to take Ultra back to her room, and this moved Ultra even more to see that Sora would be so protective of her.

Ultra mother soon came but was told her daughter was dead. she of course wanted to see her daughter, but Brain told her her beauty was not a pretty sight, leading her mother to break down crying as she left, She knew the risk and knew the chances were low.

but Ultra as the days went by wanted to see her mother even more, clearly she didn't trust Brain and believed Sora's words. maybe her mother was waiting for her, crying nonstop for her to return. so she ran away, She wanted to tell Sora, but she couldn't as her brain kept a close eye on Sora

So, she ran. One day she shall return to free Sora, that was a promise she made to herself, She only hoped that Sora wouldn't think she abandoned her. but when she found her way home and found that her mother was happy with two other children around the same age as her, she was destroyed. Brain was right, her mother abandoned her and even replaced her.

She watched as they played, and trained, every passing moment feeling like a knife had stabbed through her heart. in the end, she left. going back to the Bureau of Magical Development, at least there he was wanted, and had someone to call friend.

But when she returned, Brain informed him that due to her escaping, Sora thought he killed her, leading to Brain sending Sora elsewhere. Ultra was destroyed, but hearing how Sora wanted to fight Brain and the destruction caused, she moved. as least she had a friend who cared. so she had to find Sora, no matter what...

meanwhile, Sora walked along a road, writing something down on a paper. Ultra would make a perfect Demon Lord Of Envy. That was 1 out of 7, he just needs to make sure those kids Ultra took in didn't go up and die. He could try and have Ultra's mother take the two in as her children. this world crushes Ultra and makes her hate and envy them.

other than that, Sora had managed to learn countless magic and was about to touch about the source of all magic, the True Magic, origin magic, reality Wrapping magic, or whatever you wanted to call it.