

Hey everyone I need someone that's going to help with the delivery of some whisky to Mr Shawn the gardener.

Everyone is busy whispering that they are so busy to go anywhere, I stood there looking at them as they contemplate on who is going to make the delivery.

"I sir, I will go make the delivery"I said. "But you can't drive Amy"the manger said.someone needs to volunteer to drive you there. I stood there waiting for someone to say they were going to go with me, suddenly I heard a voice, I will drive her sir.

I looked around to see who said it and I saw James he was the one that said he would drive me there, deep down I was so excited, I tried hiding my face so noone could see me smiling.

Okay you guys can go together, go to the garage James and get the truck, while some of you should go load up the whisky in the truck. After the manager said that everyone went back to there positions to continue their work.

I went outside to wait for James to bring the truck out so we could go today, I flicked my hair back, took out my phone to use as a mirror to check if i looked okay and pretty, brought out my lip gloss and applied some. I am so ready to spend today with him and have some private time together, I smiled sheepishly and my legs begin to rub eachother like some kind of anime girl character.

James and I set off on the delivery, driving through winding roads and picturesque landscapes. As we arrived at the destination, my eyes widened in wonder. The place was breathtaking – a stunning garden filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery.

As we stepped out of the truck, a friendly dog bounded over to us, wagging its tail. I couldn't resist the charming canine and began playing with it, laughing as it chased her around the garden, the dog is go cute, if I had a chance I could even her home . James joined in, and together we played a game of tag with the dog, enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air. We almost forgot why we were there, we stopped playing and brought out the goods with the gardener and his workers.

As we took a break, sitting on a bench surrounded by blooming flowers, I noticed James gazing at me. I felt a flutter in my chest, sensing a newfound awareness between us. James eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, and my heart skipped a beat.

I tried to brush it off, focusing on the beauty around me, but I couldn't shake off the feeling. James's gaze lingered, and i sensed a quiet intensity behind his eyes. I began to wonder if our friendship was evolving into something more.

As we finished the delivery and prepared to leave, I felt a pang of disappointment. I didn't want the moment to end, I didn't want to leave the enchanting garden or James's captivating gaze.

"Thanks for the lovely delivery, guys," the garden owner said, smiling. "Come back anytime – and bring your playful energy again!"

I grinned, knowing I would return, not just for the beauty of the garden but for the spark i felt with james.

On the way back to the warehouse, the drive back became very silent and uncomfortable, I knew I had to say something to stop this graveyard feeling. "Umm James I really enjoyed spending time together with you, you are really fun to be wth, you are nice and playful too, I like all that". I said just trying to lighten up the drive.

"I also like spending time with you, you one fun girl", he said and pat my head like when we pat the dog we played with, umm akward but i just smiled cuz i like it. "So about applying for the same school I have applied for mine, have you done yours too James?"I asked

Yes I have, I collected my salary recently and I paid for the form, so we got to wait for the universities reply. Will you go with me to go see a movie on Saturday, I was to go with my cousin but she has other plans with her boyfriend, so will you be free to go with me? He asked.

I was shocked that he is asking me go watch a movie, in my little head I started day dreaming of our date, getting married, living together, having kids, found myself giggling so loud. My eyes met his then I got back to my senses. Yes I would go with you, I said with my face already feeling hot from smiling.

The ride back to the warehouse was so smooth and lovely cause my heart was in so much joy.