

I sank into my couch, exhausted from the yesterdays events. I had no energy to go anywhere or do anything productive. All I wanted was a relaxing day at home.

I booted up my console and started playing my favorite video game, losing myself in the virtual world. As I played, i decided to take a break and bake a cupcake – a sweet treat to brighten my day.

Just as I put the cupcake in the oven, my phone rang. I hesitated for a moment before answering, hoping it wasn't work-related.

"Hey, Amy! It's james. I noticed you didn't come to the warehouse today, and I just wanted to check in on you," james voice said on the other end of the line.

I smiled, feeling a warmth in my chest. "Hey, James! Yeah, I'm just taking a mental health day. I needed a break."

James chuckled. "Fair enough! We all need those sometimes. But I'm glad I caught you. I was worried maybe something was wrong."

I settled into the couch, getting comfortable. "No, nothing's wrong. Just needed some me-time. But thanks for checking in, james. That means a lot."

The conversation flowed easily, and before i knew it, we had been talking for over an hour. We discussed everything from our favorite video games to our childhood memories, laughter and stories flowing freely.

As the cupcake timer went off, I realized i had forgotten about it entirely. "Oh no, james! I'm so sorry, but I have to go. My cupcake is done, and I don't want it to burn!"

James laughed. "Haha, no worries, Amy! Enjoy your cupcake and your day off. We'll catch up soon?"

I smiled, feeling grateful for James's kindness. "Definitely, james. Thanks again for calling. Take care!"

As i hung up the phone, I felt a sense of joy and connection. Sometimes, all it took was a friendly call to brighten up a lazy day.

As I played my video game and munching on the cup cake I was smiling and kicking my feat at the same time, I didn't even know that my mom was standing at my door and staring at me, I stood up to get water, I was startled as I saw my mom standing at the door side and looking at me. "Who got my baby giggling and kicking her feat, I need the full story" my mom said.

"No one mom I am just excited from having a me time and the cup cake taste really good that's all mom", I said trying to runaway from her before she begins to ask too much. I stood and asked myself was I really smiling that much.