

Ben and I sat in the warehouse office, surrounded by stacks of boxes and inventory lists. But our focus was on a different kind of logistics – college applications.

"So, Amy, how's your school application going?" James asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

I nodded, my eyes dropping to the floor. "Yeah, it's a long story. The school didn't accept my application, but I'm trying again. I saw that you're applying to the same university – TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY."

James' face lit up. "That's right! I'm really excited about it. What made you choose computer science too? I see you sometimes going to the tech office upstairs."

My eyes sparkled. "I've always loved anything concerning computer science, and TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY has an amazing program. Plus, it's in the city, which would be a great change of pace for me."

James nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! I'm looking forward to the city life too. And it would be awesome to have a friend there – we could navigate the campus together!"

I smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "That would be amazing, James. I was worried about starting over again, but with you there, it would feel more like an adventure."

James grinned. "Definitely! And who knows, maybe we'll even be roommates. We can decorate our dorm room with our own art pieces – it'll be like a mini-gallery!"

I laughed, feeling a sense of excitement and hope, but James, you can't mention this living together in front of anyone, especially my dad. He can't find out about our plan, or we would both be in trouble.

James laughed and said he understands.

Maybe this was the fresh start I needed – a new school, a new friend, and a new chance to pursue my passion.