

"The weather looks beautiful today, and I am excited to go to the warehouse. I don't know why, but I'm just happy. My mom accompanied me to the warehouse, and as soon as we got there, we witnessed some workers arguing. My mom walked over to them to inquire about the issue. The workers told her that a boy had been sleeping all day and was refusing to work. As I looked over my mom's shoulder to see who they were talking about, our eyes met. It was the same boy I had seen a few days before, and I couldn't stop staring at him. He saw me, but he didn't react. Instead, he told my mom that they were giving him too much work since he started, and he couldn't keep up. My mom scolded the supervisor for treating him unfairly.

After some time, my mom left, and I was left alone with the workers. I wandered around, looking for something to do, and I saw the boy sitting under a tree close to the warehouse. I walked over to him, and he started to get up. I told him not to leave and asked him to sit back down. He sat close to me, and I felt my heart racing. He looked at me, and I was lost in his beautiful eyes. His eyes were so captivating that I couldn't help but stare. I tried to keep the conversation going by bringing up random topics, but he interrupted and said he had to go back to work. I watched him walk away, feeling a bit disappointed."