

It's already a new year, but I'm still waiting for the university where I took my exams to send me an admission letter. While my friends have already received theirs, mine still says 'pending'. I don't know what to do, and I feel frustrated about everything.

My mother advises me to find something to keep me busy, so I won't feel depressed and lonely staying at home. She reminds me that my younger siblings will be going to boarding school, and my elder sister isn't staying here anymore. She has a shop to run, and my father doesn't come home that much.

I sigh in response, telling my mother that I'm still thinking of something that would make me happy and be worth my time. Then, I have an idea. I suggest that I come to learn one or two things at her liquor warehouse. My mother agrees, and she's happy that I would also help her watch the workers to ensure that her goods won't be stolen. We both plan to go there on Monday.

On Monday, I feel excited to finally leave my house. We arrive at the warehouse, and I greet the workers who seem friendly. As my mother leaves for her store, I notice a guy who's riding his bicycle around the area. We look at each other for some minutes, but then I turn my back and go back into the warehouse. While I'm helping out with some work, my mind keeps flashing back to the boy I saw. He looks like we would be age mates, and he looks really cute. I shake my head to get myself off those thoughts, not knowing that the lady I'm helping is staring at me. I look at her and just smile.

It's time to go home now. On my way, I see the guy with his friends again, and I can't help but stare. I almost hit my head on the street light pole, but I'm grateful that no one notices it. When I get home, I lie on my bed and can't get his face off my head. I keep asking myself what exactly I'm thinking of, but it's like I don't know.