

I feel So sick mom, I don't think I can go to the warehouse today Mom, baby should I stay with you, don't worry Mom I will be okay alone at home, I can take care of myself. Okay, my baby I left some food in the kitchen make sure to warm it up when you are ready to eat and make sure to take your drug, I will, I said in a sickly voice.

After some minutes my mom left me to go to the shop, I was all alone in the house, so weak and all of my body aching. I was about to zoom off to Dreamland when I heard the sound of the doorbell, I dragged myself from my bed to go check who was at the door, I looked through to the eye view in the door, and saw someone I was never expecting, the boy was in my house, I was like how, why, what, then I got back to my senses starred at myself and was like oh my god I look so horrible right now. What, why he was here, I was busy trying to tidy up my hair forgetting I was even sick.

I opened the door and was staring close to a box, hmm excuse me why are you here, oh sorry I was told to bring this box of wine to this address the supervisor told me so, I didn't know it was your house.

After saying all that, I told him to come in and drop it cuz I was too weak to carry it, he took it to the basement for me, on our way out I was feeling my tummy feeling weird before I could say anything I was already throwing up everywhere, he rushed to me helped me, dragged me asking where is the bathroom, I pointed to him and he took me there, I almost vomited my whole intestine, I was already feeling so weak.

Before I could say anything I was already feeling the water running down my body, I turned to him, he said your body temperature is high, you need the water to make you feel better, I was already feeling shy then he said don't worry I have a younger sister there is nothing I haven't seen, I felt a little offended, he removes my dress and wrapped me with a towel that was in the bathroom, he carried me and asked me where is my room all I could do was point to the direction and stay in his arms like a baby because I was fucking weak.

We got to the room he gently dropped me on the bed and asked where are my clothes I pointed to my wardrobe, and he took out my pajamas and helped me put them on. I was feeling awkward and uncomfortable but I had no strength to do anything myself. Do you have anything in the house to eat, because you would be very hungry now that you have vomited your intestine, he said playfully, yes I do, in the kitchen, I said slowly.

I was left alone in the room still reminiscing about everything that happened, I slowly fell asleep, and after some time I woke up and saw him sitting close to me, I sat up, and he said I didn't want to wake you up, you needed the sleep, he handed me over the porridge my mom had made before she left, I took it and ate a little as I was eating I could feel him staring at me, then I turned and asked Would you like some, he said no he was okay.

After eating he took my plate and said it was time for him to go, I walked him to the door, getting downstairs, I saw that all my shenanigans had been taken care of, I don't know what got to me I hugged him, and thanked him for taking care of me, he said this word again I got a younger sister too.