

It's finally the day, James and I are going to go watch a movie, i am so excited.

All my clothes looked like they weren't perfect for this date, I need something more nice, a dress that will make him not take his eyes off me." Where can I find that", I kept saying to myself.

Yes my sister's closet got it all, I rushed to my sister's room, she wasn't at home at the mean time. "What a beautiful wardrobe", I said to myself and smiled like someone with mental issue. Finally I found that dress and shoe that is going to blow James mind, I am so excited.

I took my bath, dressed up, looked at the mirror and tidy up my hair. "You look so beautiful girl," I said to myself feeling all confident and all. As I was admiring myself, I heard a knock on the door.

I was somehow annoyed by the knock on the door cause I wasn't done admiring myself, I went to open the door to see who was at the door and I was surprised to see James waiting at the door with a bouquet of flower.

My cheeks became red and I was smiling to the extent I could feel my cheek feeling pain. He gives me the flower and says" are you ready," me still trying to find my words in my mouth just said "yes i am, let me go get my bag".

I rushed to go get my bag and still on the way looked at myself in my mirror, feeling all gorgeous. I got outside and James was waiting in a car, "I was like a car, where did you get a car from".

He tells me to get in, I got into the car and he saw my surprised face, he then tells me the car belongs to his uncle and he took permission for it.

He starts the car and the drive to the movie theatre began, the confident me was already feeling shy cause James look so handsome and I couldn't even get myself to look at him, I just kept looking at the road just to avoid eye contact.

We got to the movie theatre and the movie was about to start, James already got our ticket before we got there, so we just got pop corn and smoothie. We joined to the crowd that was walking to the theatre room, found our seats and sat down, the movie started and it was a romance movie, i didn't pay attention to the title of the movie but there was alot of kissing scene there.

The male lead was so handsome and the female lead was beautiful too, I found myself imagining the leads as James and I, they are about to kiss, my mouth kept producing a lot of saliva and I was finding it hard to swallow my saliva, It felt like everyone was hearing my saliva go down my throat. My hands become sweaty, as I try to find a place on the seat to clean my sweaty hands, my hand meets James hand, my sweaty hands begins to tremble. Suddenly I felt a hand touching mine, James held my hand as we watch the movie, I looked at him and he smiled. I looked around and saw other couples kissing during the kiss scene, my thoughts were already going wild," is James going to kiss me in this public place".

My heart begins to beat fast, I could no longer concentrate on the movie, all I could concentrate on was his hand on mine.

An hour later the movie ends, James and I walked out of the movie theater, smiling and chatting about the film. We had decided to make a night of it, grabbing dinner at a nearby restaurant and then taking a stroll through the city.

As we walked, the conversation flowed easily, and I found myself laughing and feeling more and more comfortable around James. We talked about everything from our favorite books to our childhood memories, and I was struck by how much we had in common.

Before I knew it, the night had slipped away, and the city was quietening down around us. We stopped at a small park, sitting on a bench together and gazing up at the stars.

"It's getting late," James said, his voice low and gentle. "But I don't want the night to end."

I smiled, feeling a flutter in my chest. "Me neither," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

As the clock struck midnight, James turned to me, his eyes shining with a warm light. "Amy, I had a wonderful time tonight. Would you like to do it again sometime soon?"

Myheart skipped a beat. "Definitely," I said, my smile spreading from ear to ear.

And with that, James leaned in, his lips brushing against mine in a soft, sweet kiss under the stars.