

James arrived at my house, and we settled in at the kitchen table with our laptops. We had planned to take the online exam together, and I was glad for the moral support.

As we worked through the questions, we occasionally whispered hints or clarifications to each other. I appreciated James calm and focused demeanor, and I found myself feeling more at ease with him by her side.

After submitting our exams, we closed thelaptops and let out a sigh of relief. "That was nerve-wracking!" I exclaimed.

James chuckled. "Tell me about it! But I think we did great."

I smiled and got up to make us some lunch. As we sat down to eat, and chatted about our hopes and dreams for the future at the new school.

"I can't believe we might be attending school together!" I said, my eyes shining with excitement.

James grinned. "It would be amazing, wouldn't it? We could study together, explore the campus...who knows, maybe even start a new adventure?"

My heart skipped a beat at the thought. I couldn't deny the connection I felt with James, and the prospect of sharing this new chapter with him was thrilling.

"James why don't you have a girlfriend", I asked him

James turned to me and said " I had a girlfriend in high school, I wanted to take it further and kind of a long term relationship with her but she left for college already she likes me the same say I do but she doesn't like distance, she is currently schooling in UK, I can't stop her from going that far cause her dad made plans for everything and I have nothing to offer for her to stay here".

As he said this things I could feel how hurt and sad he feels as he talked about her, was she his first love, do I have an opportunity to become something like that to him. Would he be able to love me like he did to her, all this I said to myself.

"With time ,You are going to meet a girl you are going to love and would stick by you", that's all I could say to him.

He just smiled and asked me" what about you have you had a boyfriend".

"I have, he was really nice and handsome too but I don't know if it was love cause we were just in highschool and it didn't last long, we had to part ways due to some reasons, but we do keep InTouch sometimes". I said

"Hmm nice, so have you guys ever kissed", he asked again.

I didn't want to reply cause I didn't want him to find out that he was my first kiss. I douched the question and asked him if he wanted more food.

He stretched out his plate to me and didn't ask again.

As we finished our lunch and prepared to part ways, I realized that this was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship - and maybe something more.