

Today is my graduation day and I'm feeling both happy and disappointed. Everything I needed for this special day got ruined, from my dress to my shoes, and even my hair. I feel like a granny with this hair, and although my mom keeps telling me I look beautiful, deep down I know this isn't what I imagined. I wanted to look stunning on my big day, but it seems that bad luck always follows me whenever I celebrate something. Something always seems to go wrong on days like this.

I put on my dress, wore my shoes, and did a little makeup. I'm now waiting for my elder sister to finish dressing up so she can go with me to my graduation, as my parents couldn't make it. I waited and waited, but my sister was still having trouble picking a dress. I had to leave first because she said I should go ahead, as she still had some dressing up to do. I felt a sense of pain and tears almost rolled down my eyes because I like everything to go my way, but the day keeps getting messed up.

I arrived at my school and saw my friends, who all looked pretty. I looked at myself and lost my self-confidence. I put on my glasses, hoping to hide my face, but my teacher recognized me and scolded me for coming late. She said they had all been waiting for me as they were about to take a class photo. She dragged me to where my classmates were waiting and they all said hello. They kept complimenting me on my dress, but as someone with low self-esteem, I felt like they were mocking me. I just said thank you and kept my face down.

After the photos, we were all told to dance with our parents. I felt down again because I knew my parents weren't coming. I could feel another cloud over my head, then someone tapped my shoulder and said, "Your sister is here!" My sister, looking beautiful as always, came to me and apologized for being late. She said, "You know I need to look beautiful wherever I go." I looked at her and sighed, telling her it was better late than never. We went to the dance floor and they played my favorite music. I danced like I was possessed and somehow forgot that my day was shitty. I just kept dancing until it was time to go home.

We got home and I was so happy to see my dad was back from work. I rushed to him and showed him my award. He was so proud of me, then he brought out a very expensive wristwatch and a new phone and gave them to me. He said, "These are for my newest high school graduate, and I am so happy that you made me proud." After hearing that, I felt so happy that I was smiling to the extent that I felt my cheeks hurting from smiling. Then I said, "The day wasn't as bad as I thought." I slept that night with so much happiness in my heart.