

(Sorewa Dore POV)

Am I gonna die in this place.

No, I don't want to die. Please someone save me.


What's that?

Huh? Why am I falling into the ground?

I woke up, when I opened my eyes a little girl was staring at me.

"Papa, someone's awake"


Huh? Who's that. And why is a little in a dangerous place like this.


"Oh, you are awake."

"Hello, I am Hoshino Maou, and where is this place."

I can't speak since I can't believe he don't know what kind of place this is.


He waved his hands at my face to wake me up.

"Ah, sorry. I am Sorewa Dore, an A Rank Wielder."

"And as for your question what was it?"

"Ah, I asked where is this place, and what do you mean by A RANK wielder?"

Ah, so he is a foreigner no wonder he didn't know where this place is.

"This World is surrounded by Black Tree's, and this tree's give birth to monster's. Though, not every place in the earth is surrounded by it. There is only one place in this earth that is not surrounded by it."

"And that place is what we call Green zone, in the green zone we produce wielder's, each wielder's has to go by awakening."


"Yes, awakening where the wielder's get their weapons through their power's. Wielder's are divided into rank's F, D, B, C, A, S, SS. You can know your own rank by touching the "Weapon Awakening""

"We wielder's search around the earth for survivor's. We fight monster's using our Partner."

"For example, here my partner Bee."

I was trying to show off, my partner since my partner was rare type(DAGGER).

When I touched my hips my partner was gone.

"Ah!! Where is it!?"

"You mean this dagger? Here"

Good thing this guy is a good guy, if not he would have stolen it.

"Bee, get out."

"Uwahh, master. I thought you were gonna die. Uwahh!!"

"There, there."

I patted bee head so that he would calm down. Bee is a little childish since the first day I got him.

"Bee, say hi to them. They are our savior"

"Tch, just some country bumpkin's"

"Papa! Are you done talking?"

"Ah, Char-chan, yes we are done talking."


"Yes. Char-chan is such an angle."