
Papa, is this your world?

(Hoshino Maou POV)

A light shone through our eyes, the light feels familiar it's like when shiyo formed into a human.

I knew it, the scythe turned into humanoid form, but why is it so small.

"A kid!?"


The kid wrapped her arms around me, and I can't resist. It isn't because she was strong. It was because she was so cute

"Master, what's wrong?"


Shiyo saw what I was doing, Yep. She is gonna have the wrong idea,

"Master, you disgust me."

No, Shiyo got the wrong Idea, she is gonna think I am a lolicon.

I explained to shiyo what happened. Shiyo apologized to me because she got the wrong Idea.


"Uwah, she is so cute."

After that I let shiyo take care of her first since I was gonna make clothes for her.

I defeated some of the monster and used it's scales to make clothes.

"Alright, starting now you will be Charlotte."

"Charlotte? Yay, papa I like it"


Wait if Char-chan is this cute, all the boy will be attracted to her.

And, And if that happens

(Hoshino Maou Imagination)

"Papa, I don't need you anymore please leave me."

"Random Boy: Hahah, that's right"


"Char-chan, don't leave me!"

(Back to reality)

"Don't worry Char-chan I won't be defeated by random guys."


The three of us laugh together.

We were getting ready to go out of this freaking box.

I punched it but nothing happened, and so in the second punch I used all force to broke out.

"Welcome, this is my worl-, Aghhh!!!"

I was going to introduce my world to char-chan, I stepped out.

I didn't know we were at the sky since I held their hand the three of us Fell.

However, it didn't matter since the three of us was so strong. We landed on something soft.

When I looked at it, we were surrounded by monsters. And I used 10 % of my power so that the monster will be scared.

I used it to intimidate the monsters around us, but I didn't know it will be this weak.

Instead of scaring it away I killed it, and the humans fell unconscious since they can't handle it.

"Papa, Is this your world?"

"Yes, Char-chan."

Sorry char-chan I didn't know where this place is, the only thing we can do now is to wait for the unconscious people to wake up so that we can ask where this place is.