

(Hoshino Maou POV)

"Ah, Char-chan, yes we are done talking."


"Yes. Char-chan is such an angle."

Ah Char-chan, in the future don't leave me and go with some other guy's alright. Because your cuteness and smile are more expensive than any other diamonds in the earth.

"Umm, Hoshino-san, is this supposed to be your daughter?"

"Well, you can also say that, but she is my partner.

"See, she's so cute."

Ah Char-chan as long as I am here no one can touch you. Even if I have to fight all the monster's I will not let them hurt you. Because I am your F-A-T-H-E-R!!.

"Papa, you are kind of weird."

"Really, so your partner is just some weak kid."

"Ah, bee has Golden eye's which can see how strong your partner are."

"Really? Well, if I was you I wouldn't use it on her though."

Because Char-chan absorbed Millions of monster energy. So she will be like pretty strong.

"Strong, Hahaha okay, okay, I wouldn't look."

"Hrmmm, are you mocking Char-chan?"

"Well, just a peek"


"Bee!! What's wrong!!??"


"Well, just a peek"

There's no way you are stronger than me, since I was known as rarity among partner's


"Bee!! What's wrong!!??"

"Damn, what kind of monster are you?"

"That's why I told you not to look."

Damn, I am gonna lost consciousness.

What's with that monster, why didn't that Country Bumpkin bastard didn't say that she would be that strong. And what's with those Black energy, was that from the monster's they defeated.

Those kind of monster energy, is that even possible for a Human and partner to defeat that kind of monster. And it was only one monster, but they killed one kind of monster. They killed thousands of it no Millions of it I am sure.


"Oh. Looks like you are awake. Char-chan don't need to guard you anymore good-bye."

So this monster was guarding me all this time, I've gotta do it. It's one in a million chance, there's no time to waste.


I kneeled and kowtow in front of her, so that she will know that I am really willing for it.

"Please be my master!!"

There I did it, please accept me!


What!! No!! I am just gonna die, if I can't get stronger I won't be a suitable partner.

"I won't accept to be your master, but I can be your friend."

"Really? Then can I call you char-chan?"


Wahh. No wonder that Country bumpkin said that she was an angle, and that she is worth more diamonds in the earth. Now, I know what you mean.

Killing Intent!!?

"I won't let you get close at my angel. I won't let you get close at my angel. I won't let you get close at my angel. I won't let you get close at my angel. I won't let you get close at my angel. I won't let you get close at my angel."

Oh it's just the country Bumpkin, I thought someone was trying to kill us.

"Bee, Are you okay!? Don't do that again alright?"

"Alright, alright fine"