

When I opened my eyes I saw Shiyo staring at me. When we met eyes we couldn't say a word because we were embarrassed. Shiyo stand up naked, and when I looked at her I was amazed. Because I didn't know Shiyo's body was that sexy. I touched Shiyo's back

Shiyo was shocked and embarrassed,



I laughed after that I stand up and fixed the bed and wore my clothes on.

Shiyo went somewhere and I followed her, and when I saw where she was going I couldn't believe my eyes. And I asked and pointed the PLACE

"Sh-sh-shiyo, where did this come from?"

(Shiyo's POV)

I heard human girl's, must cook for their boyfriends. So I am gonna cook that will fill Master's belly.

"Sh-sh-shiyo where did this come from?"

"This? A kitchen I created to cook for you my master."

"You mean you can create everything"

"Well, yes"

I thought that master was so kind to me since it will take me a lot of MP if I create something that master asked for.

"Why didn't you say so!?"

"You didn't ask"

"Gerrr, Fine"

And so, I continued cooking.

After I finished cooking I brought it to master so that he can eat it.

"Master, I am done."

"W-w-what did you cook?"

"I used the monster's you defeated."

Master was about to run, and so I used my power to hold him.

I forced him to sit in here.

"Master say "Ahh"."

"No, please. Aghh!! Armph"

I once read a book, where the girl will feed their boyfriend and the boyfriend will be happy.

"Oh, it's actually tasty"


"Here eat more."

I pushed more food in master's mouth.

We spent days together waiting for his weapon to fully absorb all.

While we were waiting master made some armors through the monster's skin.

He also made clothes for us to wear, master also made accessories and artifacts.

After a few months of waiting it was done.

The monster's turned into ashes and the Scythe turned into humanoid form.