
Monster Energy

(Hoshino Maou POV)



What does shiyo mean? Absorbed the energy of the monsters, is that even possible?

"Master, don't tell me you don't know?"

"Well, no"

After that Shiyo explained what does it mean. By absorbing the energy of the monster will increase the power of your energy weapon. The stronger the monster the higher the increase will be.

"Does that mean I will get stronger?"

"Tch, yes"

Why does Shiyo sound disappointed though, isn't that a good thing that I will get stronger.

"So how do I do absorb the energy?"

"Just throw it on the monster"

I throw it directly just as shiyo said.

"But remember, it has a side effect you need to endure it"

The monster around it directly became pale, and when I looked at shiyo with greedy eyes. I thought that she was going to be like this

(Hoshino Maou Imagination)

"Wow master, you are so cool"

"I want to follow you forever"

"Hahaha, really"

(Back to the reality)


Why does shiyo keep avoiding me though, well I will keep teasing you


I kept on repeating her name

"Shiyo, could it be that you are disappointed because I am now stronger than yo-"

When I was about to say I am now stronger than her, a tears suddenly dropped.

"Shiyo, what's wrong?"

"B-b-because I was supposed to protect master, and now that you are stronger than me I am no longer useful to you. Uwahh"

Without a second though I directly hugged shiyo.

"Who said you were going to protect me? I am your man and you are my women so at least let me protect you."

I said, Damn!!!. I am not embarrassed but I didn't regret saying that.

Shiyo just stood there knocked out. She was knocked out because she was embarrassed of what I said.

After that I smiled and let go of Shiyo when I was about to look at how the monster's absorption was going.

My heart suddenly stopped for a second.

Damn, what's this? Is this supposed to be the side effect shiyo was talking about.

My body is so Hot and my vision is disappearing. Damn, my chicken calm down if shiyo is going to see this she will definitely slap me.

"Master, how is it? Does it hurt? Hahaha!!"

Damn, what do you mean hurt. This feels I drank something that will make my chicken like this.


Shiyo! Please if you come near me I don't know what I will do.

Shiyo slowly approached me, and since I was panicking I don't know what to do.

"Master!? What happened!?"

Sorry Shiyo I will take responsibility for it. I pulled Shiyo's arms and kissed her.


Ha, good thing I came back from my senses, I don't know if shiyo will ignore me since I kissed her without knowing.

But instead Shiyo touched me in the chick with a smile and said.

"Please continue."

Since you said it, don't blame me I can't hold back anymore.

I created a bed with my power, I pushed shiyo there. Shiyo was making a cute and erotic reaction which turned me on more.

"Master, please be gentle, this is my first time"

I laughed and said

"Don't worry, I will be as gentle as I can"

And I kissed her again and we continued

{Please Just your Imagination Here, Since I don't want your heads to be influenced with what I am imagining}