
Level Up

I don't care if I'm an error when I reached the Requirment power I will break through here.

{Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up}

{Reached level 1000} {Rebirth of the Demon God Diety}

"Hahahaha!!!" I laughed and shouted

{System Transform Body}

"Eh!?" I said, I was confused because what does this mean Body?

{Error} {System Transform Body} {Error} {System Transform Body} {Error} {System Transform Body} {Error} {System Transform Body} {Error} {System Transform Body} {Error} {System Transform Body} {Error} {System Transform Body} {Error} {System Transform Body} {Success}

A light shun upon my eyes, and I a naked girl appeared.

"Master! I finally got it" the system said

"Wait, are you perhaps Shiyo?" I asked

"Yes, yes Shiyo is here! Under your command" She said

I talked to her, and asked "Can I break through here with my current power?"

"Nope" Shiyo said

And so my daily routine started again, since shiyo said I still can't break through here I just need to get stronger to break through.

{Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up}

{Title- Strongest Demon God Diety}

(___Shiyo POV___)

"Why is master always fighting monster's?"

Did he want to leave me that Badly.

Ha ha ha just thinking about it, it was only me and him alone in this room.



"Do you want to leave here? Because you already have enough power to break through here you know."

Because I was very concerned about him, because doesn't he even get tired fighting the monster!? Every time he kills it the monster gets stronger.

"Really?! Why didn't you say so?"

"Well, you never asked."

"You!? Fine so what do I do?"

First before we leave can we clean this place first? Because look at this mess you made?

"Well, what can I do?"

Damn, this place is full of rotten monster. How many monster have you defeated so far?

"Master how many years have you been here?"

"Huh? Hmmm, maybe 100,000 years."


Damn, what kind of master did I have. You have been here for that long yet you still have the nerve to say that, with that kind of face?

"How many monster do you defeat a day?"

"Hmm, mostly 10 a day."

Hmm, I see no wonder this place is so dirty. It's full of monster flesh, Huh!?

Wait if you were trapped in this place of 100 000 years and you defeat monster 10 a day. Does that mean

{10 monster x 365 days (1 year) = 3650 monsters a year}

{3650 monster x 100 000 years = 365000000 monster}

Huh!? I slowly melt because of shock. Does that mean

"Master, let me see your status"

"Huh, sure"


Name: Error

Title: Strongest Demon God Diety

Physical Attack -

Magic - Error

Magic Attack - Error

Magic Defense – Error

I looked at my master with disappointment, why is it error!?

Also my master reached the Gods realm which is stronger than me.

"Master can you absorbed the remaining monster energy with your scythe"
