

"Shiyo, come here let me tell you a story." An unknown mother said.

"Really, tell me, tell me" Shiyo said with excitement.

"This story takes place 300 years ago."

"There was a Demon God Diety, who destroyed his own world because of his hatred. He lost his beloved one, and family. The Gods of this world Named him as "World Destroyer", and everyone, not only Humans and Demons but Gods was frightened by him."

"A God?" as Shiyo asked

"Yes, a God, and because of this hatred, that God made a curse. That he will be Immortal, and whenever he dies he will rise up again. And the ones that he loved and his family will always reincarnate but they will not remember their own memory."

"How can this curse be Broken?" Shiyo tilted her eyebrow

"This curse will only be broken, when the one he loved only told him to do so."

"And since he was the strongest, he thought he would be the Happiest god in the world. But, everyone was scared to make contact with him, and he became lonely."

"So, what did he do?"

"He, made up with an idea, he sealed himself up in a coffin. And the coffins location is still unfound until now."

"Can, you please tell the his story?"

"All right, all right, we got all night long"

"His story goes like this"


I am Hoshino Maou, it started where the rain was full of red ash, and there was a very big meteor.

When the meteor broke and inside of that meteor was monsters. That's when the Tutorial started, and now I am here stuck and surrounded by Monsters.

I help my hand reached high and remember all the people who I spend with and all the happy memories we spent together. Ha "Why!! Why did this even happen!? Why?".

I cried when there was a thunder and struck my hand. The organs suddenly started to burst up, and I exploded. I saw a very dark room, and I just wished that I can see them again. When I woke up though I was confused I was sure if that was the future or not.

"Hoshino! Hoshino" Huh, that's the voice of teacher

When I opened my eyes, I saw the face of my teacher with a book, I cried because she was alive

"Thank god You're alive!" I hugged my teacher

My teacher slapped me and my classmates laughed at me. And so I also just laughed since it will make them confused when I will tell something.

I went home and went directly on the bed, I held my hand upward. That's when it started again, where I was struck by the lightning and my organs started to burst.

But it was different my organ didn't burst but a system appeared in front of me. And it introduced itself it-said she was Shiyo, she didn't know what happened to her but she said I was her master.

When I further looked at the system I saw something cool. It said "Birth Of The Demon Diety", that's what it said.

But then here is something Joy-killer, "Tutorial" I asked the system what's this. The system said that this was a Mission to get stronger.

Since I was lazy I didn't do any of it and went to school, there was a time limit in it. I went to the bathroom and waited for the time limit, when it was done nothing happened.

After a few minutes I was teleported, when I looked around I was in a Big space. A box appeared in front of me, it said to defeat the monster.

I looked everywhere but where that's when it appeared above me and died. I thought I really died but I was revived in that space, again it says to defeat the monster.

I saw a sword there, there are at least thousands of sword there but It only let me pick once. There are shiny once and there are also trash, and among the shiny once they are all strong, but something is bugging me.

Among the trash one, I saw a black scythe and it was so dirty. And when I touched it a tentacle came out and sucked my blood. After that I passed out, the scythe change and all the swords was gone.

I tried the scythe on the monster and it was only one hit I was happy because it was this strong. A box appeared in front of me again, said "Reach Level * to get out". I looked at my status I was still level 2 so I just need to defeat the monster to reach levels huh.

I thought the strength will not change but it was stronger than the first one.

{Level Up}

{Level Up}

{Level Up}

Yay, I reached level 5 already, time to go out. The box appeared again and it said "Click to Get Out". When I pressed it a light appeared in front of me but it was gone

"Error, Good Bye"

What!? A monster appeared again, and it was 10 times stronger than the normal one. I defeated it again and again hoping that I can get out

{Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up} {Level Up}

I reached level one hundred, the system was back and said "Birth of The Demon Diety" my hair became white and my eyes was a demon eyes.