

(Hoshino Maou POV)

(Sensei, what was that for?)

What's wrong with sensei, why would he punch me for no reason. Could it be, that my char-chan was so cute that sensei cannot accept it.

"Sensei, just accept the reality"

"You, you're still a kid and how could you have a child. Did you already do it with a Women? Who's the mother?"

Sensei was blushing, so I thought that she got a wrong idea that will lead to misunderstanding. So I must correct it, since sensei is connected to my parents if my parents heard of it I am dead.

"Sensei, aren't you misunderstanding something?"

"Yeah, you are right that I did it with a girl, and this is my daughter."

"But she's not my biological daughter."

"Is that so? Now, that I look at there's a very big differences."

"Wait, sensei, what's this differences you are talking about?"

"I mean char-chan look like an angel, but you, you look like a monster"

Sensei's word hurt so much that it stabbed my heart and I vomited blood. But, I should be thank-full to sensei because she complimented char-chan.

Char-chan wrapped his hand around my hips, I don't know whether char-chan is just shy or she is scared of sensei.

I looked at sensei, yes, char-chan is scared of sensei. Sensei is looking at char-chan like she is going to eat her.

"Sensei, you are drooling."

"Oh sorry for my rudeness."

"By the way, char-chan where's shiyo?"

Char-chan pointed at the most expensive food store. I thought that she was using her own money, but I doubt. Because how could she have money, and the money we only have are in my pockets.

I patted my pocket, but the wallet was gone. Wait, I panicked because how can we live if we don't have money. I, char-chan ran where shiyo is, I was going to stop her but I was late.

Shiyo's belly was already full and the money is gone. We waited at shiyo to get out,

"Agh, that was good."

Shiyo went out

"Yeah what was good?"

"Master, will you forgive me if I said sorry?"


Shiyo ran around and I chased her trying to smack her in the head so that she can at least learn. But when I tried to smack her,

"Papa, me too I will join"


Char-chan jumped at me and covered my eyes. Char-chan and shiyo was trying to gang-up at me, so they already planned it together.


The three of us laughed together, but there's one thing we didn't know sensei followed us.

"What a happy family right?"

"Yes, sense- whoa"

"Sensei, what happened to you why are you covered in ketchup"

"Why don't you look around?"

Why is sensei irritated though, we didn't do anything though. What!? After I looked around some places where destroyed.

We apologized on the people, and because we didn't have money sensei have to pay for us.

"Now, why don't you introduce your-self"

"Hello, I am Shiyo, Master's girlfriend"

"Wow, what a beautiful girl. That body, that face what a perfect, I will get promoted"

What does Sensei mean? Promoted, now that I heard of it I don't know what do sensei do now?

"Sensei, what's your job?"

"Me a teacher."

"Eh, you are still a teacher"

"Yes, I am a teacher at your parent's school"

"Really? My parents"

My parent's huh, I wonder how they are now, and also how is my Big sisters.

Maybe I should visit them, later.

After that sensei was taken by soldiers, not really taken she was more like, escorted and we said our goodbyes.

The three of us are walking in the park, where the families are visiting.

Char-chan saw someone where the father is swinging his daughter.

Char-chan was jealous, char-chan holds my t-shirt.

"Alright, alright"

I swing char-chan when I was about to let go, I didn't know that char-chan will be thrown that high. It surpassed the green zone.

Shiyo and I looked at each other, and we ran in full speed.