

(Isha Maou)

Hello I am Isha Maou, an S rank hunter. My parents are currently the president of Humanity, even though we are rich and strong we are not happy. Because My little Brother Shino is still missing.

Though we are still finding him, we do not let it interfere in our work. Because I just got another Baby Sister. So we need to protect her at all cost, I was entrusted by a mission by my parents.

We don't currently know how strong the Monsters here are, but we are sure that there are many survivors here.

While we were rescuing the survivors, there's a monster that appeared

"Faster, Faster"

I was shouting because we don't have enough time. I have 3 more S ranker ally, even though I am stronger than them they are still the same rank as me.

"Isha, W-w-what's that?"

She pointed at something while trembling in fear, we saw a monster that is as big as a dinosaur. Even though we still don't know what this is, we know that this is strong.

We tried to fight it as possible but it was too strong.

Am I gonna die in this place, I still haven't seen shino.

Or am I gonna see him there.

Please, someone save us.


Huh, what's that? I am not dead yet?

"Isha, t-t-he monster was defeated."


What do you mean defeated? Even us can't defeat it, only national Rankers can defeat that.

"It w-was defeated by a-"


"Whoo~ Papa! That was fun, let's do it again!"

"Papa? Where am i?"

Wait, what's a child doing here?

"Hello, I am Isha Maou, and may I ask who are you?"

"Me, I am charlotte, but why do you look like my papa?"

What's that supposed to mean? It doesn't matter, what matter is that I must tell him not to mess with this child.

"What happened to you? Why are you here?"

"Me? I was just playing with papa."

"Do you want to eat something?"

(After 10 minutes)

"Uwahh! Save me!"

"Oh looks like you are awake."

Char-chan joined us eating, while I was observing her eating there was one thing I noticed. First is she's a Partner not a human being, and the second one is that SHE-IS-SO-CUTE.

"Ha! What do you mean!?"

"Hoi, isha is that true. They said that it was this child who defeated the monster."


Tch, why won't he believe it. I wish I couldn't have go on the same mission as him. I don't even know where she came from maybe her parents is stronger than her what do you think you will do.

"You mean this girl!"

He pointed at char-chan

"Just look at her pretty face, I am sure she will just run if she saw a monster."

"Gotto, shut up!"

"Why? I am just telling the truth."

"Why don't you just become my slave, with your pretty face you will cost money you know?"

"There are many fat rich pig who wants a girl prostitute."

I need to stop him before char-chan gets angry! What's this? I can't move. Killing intent, only monster can make us like this with just killing intent.

"Papa! Mama!"

What!? This is the power of her parents? That's why I told him not to mess with her.

"What's this? Why can't I move, hoi, isha do something?"

"What do you mean? It's you own fault that's why I told you not to mess with her."


What? What was that I couldn't even see his movement. And her when did she appear I couldn't even sense her presence.

"Char-chan if someone say that to you, you need to kick their d**k okay."

"Yes, papa."

"Tch, dare to say that to my daughter."

Whoa, it finally stopped, I could have lost my consciousness there. Wait, why is his voice familiar? Could it be?


"Huh? How did you know my name?"

"Aneki? Haha, aneki long time no see"