

(Stella Tatsuya POV)

Hello, I am Stella Tatsuya, I was a teacher at a school 10 years ago. However, because of the monster's hundreds of student's died, and only 10% survived. And the tutorial started, most of the humanity was trapped there.

I am 56 years old, but in reality I am only 23, I was stucked in the tutorial for at least 33 years. At first I was so scared that I died many times. After I got used to it, I slowly started fighting, and I died 10 times just to kill a single monster.

And I killed and killed, until I reached enough level to get out. After I got out, I got a skill called (Blood Maniac), the more blood a see the stronger I get.

When I woke up, I saw the parents of Hoshino Maou. They said the world is still in danger so they need my help. I accepted and enrolled in the School they built, if I had to say, they are most likely the leader of humanity.

My power was about to burst that it hurts so much. But they said it was just normal because I will be awakened, and I got my partner(GUN). At first I only practiced but after I graduated I was titled as the 10 Strongest Graduate, or in short a S Rank Wielder.

There are 3 students that are stronger than me, However, instead of having freedom we were given the roles as Vector or Instructors for the student's.

I sneaked out and wore a black robe, and went on my favorite restaurant. While I was eating my favorite chicken, a person flew in my table and my food was ruined.

""Who's the one who cause's trouble in this place!?"

I shouted at the back of the person, you who do you think you are. I was once the strongest and you dare to ruin this strong one food.

"Well, that rat was picking a fi-"

Wait, why does this man look familiar, though why is his eye's scary?


"Hoshino! Hoshino"

This bastard dare to sleep in my class. Are you the bored that you just slept without listening a single Word.

"Thank god You're alive!"

Hah? Hah? You!? You dare to take advantage of me you will pay for this. I slapped him really hard so that he will remember not to do it again.

(10 Years later)

Hmm, I wonder what is Maou Sensei doing now?

"We still Can't find Shino? Where did he go?"

"Don't worry I will find him no matter what and we will be complete family again."

What that Bastard is still gone, well not that it matter's though.

Huh? What's this tear's? Why, Why am I crying for that bastard?


"Are you perhaps, Shino?"


You, do you even know how hard your parents worked just to find you, and yet you are here picking trouble.

"Papa? Who's this Auntie?"

Pa-pa? Hoi, what's this supposed to mean?

"Ah, this is papa's Sensei"

"Sensei, Look my daughter is as cute as me right? Right?"

You!? I punched him, because he is still 1-, wait what was his age again? Doesn't matter, his is still a kid and he already has a child. Wait, who is the mother I must meet her and ask what happened.