

(Hoshino Maou POV)

They said they are going back, and I said if I can go with them. Later, the survivors woke up. We departed after Shiyo Finished introduce herself.

"Hello, I am Shiyo"

Why do I feel like shiyo is quite angry or Dissapointed.

"Shiyo, what's wrong?"


I am definitely correct, she is angry about something. Let's just ask her later

"Hello, I am Sorewa Dore, and what are you to Hoshino?"

"I am his Girlf-"

"Girl Companion"

Good thing I said it first, if shiyo said it she might say something that will mislead our conversation.

"I see, Now shiyo let me ask you something."

Our conversation was interrupted by someone, so we just need to wait on the car.

After we went in the car, Shiyo and Char-chan sat beside me and Sorewa in front of us. And again shiyo is still angry I don't know why

"Now, as for my question."

"I want you to join us, because we need your power."

I was surprised when Sorewa asked me this, I was already going to accept this offer but I can't accept it. I still have something to accomplish and many things to do.

"Sorry, but I can't accept it."

"Wha- Why?"

"Well, it's just that I don't like it. I just don't have time. I still need to find my parent's"

I am sure this is not enough to convice sorewa.

"Really!! If that's all I can find some-"

"No, I still have a lot of things to do, beside's I am already satisfied enough to live a normal life with my Girlfriend and daughter."

I wrapped one of my arms to the shoulder of Shiyo and one at the Shoulder of Charlotte. I pulled them closer to me so that I can prove that it is true.

"Wha- wha- that's right I am master's girlfriend"

Shiyo's nose grow taller, is she really that happy to let the people know that she is my girlfriend. Well, if that's the case I don't really mind as long as she's happy.

"I see, but still my offer is still available, if you change your mind come and find me."

We arrived at the city, however something was strange. Why is all the soldier saluting at Sorewa, is her rank that high?

(10 Minute's Ago)

"Looks like we arrived"

Hmm, why does this city feel's familiar?

"Hoshino, welcome in the Green Zone"

20 soldiers came out at the city, and they lined up in front of us.

"Sorewa-sama, We congruatulate your safety come back."

(10 Minutes later)

"Papa, Mama, look food."

"Alright, calm down. Sorewa gave us money, So let's spend it all in food!"


I stretched my hand high, the three of us was so excited because it's been a while since we ate food like this.


Hmm, what's wrong? Why is Charlotte's face look like she's holding back something?

Ah, Hahaha, now I get it. You want to go to the bathroom, well it's normal anyway since we ate so may food that the money that sorewa left is gone.

"Shiyo, go with Char-chan"

"Yes, Master"

After they went out I pulled something in my pocket. Yes, It's money. I stole this at the Forest when the Survivor's was unconscious since I need to be prepared. Let's go spend it again.

"Can I buy 10 chicken neck"

"Got it, Boss"

Hmm, this is tasty. Let's go buy more, after I ate all the chicken food's I bought, I burped. And since I was too full, I sat somewhere.

"Hoy, this is my place"

Who's this, just some city rat's not to mind something. Let's just ignore him, I don't want to get in trouble the first day I entered here.

"You bastard, dare to ignore me"

He was going to punch me, but why is it so slow. I could even defeat him with just my intimidating. I dodge


He punched me again, but I just let him punch me without moving. Since I trained for thousands of year there's no way he can even left a scratch.

"Arghh!! My hand."

He, it's your fault, you punched me then it's time for you to bear your own sin. His bone's broke, because it hurt so much, that he cried.

Char-chan was already finished, since I don't want char-chan to see me as a bad guy. I immediately throw that rat somewhere.

"Who's the one who cause's trouble in this place!?"

Someone shouted at my back, maybe that person got hit when I throw the rat at my back? Please don't get don't get trouble me. I need to think something, Yes, I need to think a reason so that person will be convinced.


I scratched my head and fake laughed.

"Well, that rat was picking a fi-"

"Are you perhaps, Shino?"
