

(Hoshino Maou POV)

"Master, I can feel a presence of a Demon."

A new demon huh? I wonder what they are doing here?

I need to know their purpose.

After the class was over, we were heading at the arena. And I saw Tachibana and George heading at the Back.

I followed them silently, I thought it was romance but It was different.

"Tachibana, looks like you are having fun, huh?"

George, intimidated her with killing intent.

Because Tachibana can't resist it, she fell on her knees and pee.

"Tch, trash. Listen you are just a tool. Don't get your hopes up."

I see, so if she didn't have to be a tool she could have had a normal life.

After George went back, I rushed directly at her, and gave a new pair of clothes.

Even, though George wasn't there anymore, Tachibana's eyes look's dead.

Maybe, she have a trauma that will make her look like this.

The whole class formed in different types of groups, and the only thing we need to do is to defeat George.

"1, 2. 3 start"

The fight started, I was just at the back.

Looking at Tachibana fight, she looks experienced.

After a few hours of fighting everyone looks exhausted.

That's when George, suddenly attacked all the students.

All, the student's passed out.

George, revealed his true form as a demon.

"Hoshino, run and call the other teachers."

When I was about to run I grabbed Tachibana's hand.

But she didn't have any intention of running.

Sensei, got beaten up badly I don't want to show my power in them.

To me, George is like an ant that I can crush that easily.

I smacked sensei's neck, she passed out.

When I looked at the arena, there are 3 student's fighting George.

I forgot their name's but it doesn't matter now. What matter is their safety, even so I am surprised that George was defeated by 3 students.

When they were about to shout for victory, George laughed.

And shouted

"Ahahaha, now everyone in this world will die, I already bought enough time."

Some unknown 5 demon showed up, but they were stronger than George.

After the 5 demons showed up, 23 more students showed up.

It looked like they were spies, the 3 students got beaten up badly.

The students hope of winning was crushed.

"Stop, don't involve this students!"

"Tachibana, Run."

The strongest among the 4 students that fought George said.

I am surprised that they can still she can still say that after got beaten up badly.

"So, what are you gonna do? I can even kill them at your sight."

They really are demons huh, not just in their species but also in their personality.


Tachibana, got punched in the face.

Since I can't keep it anymore, I can no longer hide it anymore.

"Now, now, I think it's time for my turn."

"Hoshino! What are you doing here!?"

Tch, recover first before you say that.

"Do you know you are weak! You can get easily get killed by the."

I slowly walked toward them

"No! don't approach th-"

I smacker her neck, at least enough power to make her sleep.

There are 28 demons, I can easily wipe them out, but it will also affect the school.

So I just need to kill them one by one.

Since char-chan is my partner, I can directly get her right.

I watched the Movier "Thon" before.

Were he raised his hand, and the hammer fly to his hand.

Since, I saw some of my Dad's Studies.

You can easily get your partner with just imagining it.

Let me try, I concentrated at the picture of Char-chan.


Char-chan suddenly turned into a scythe.

So it really worked.

"Huh, what's this pipsqueak gonna do."

You can't even hurt me with that weapon.

I removed my Band, and looked at the sky.

"Looks like its time."

I looked at them, with a murderous aura.

I showed them my power, some them managed to stand up but struggling.

And some of them bowed down on me.

"That eye and that power, no it can't be. That's just an eye, you can't prove it that you are ONE of them because your hair is white."

I touched my hair, and scratched it.

"Oh, this it's because I dyed it."


I showed them my evil grin, no wonder they got scared.

"Wha-wha-what is a Supreme Demon God Deity doing in this Mortal World!"