

"Wha-wha-what is a Supreme Demon God Deity doing in this Mortal World!"

I let out a deep sigh.

I let out some of my Demonic aura.


Some of them still have the power to resist and run.

And some just stood there watching my Majestic Aura.

Since the teachers was already coming I need to wipe them out fast.


"Papa! Papa! You will wipe them out."

I was fighting like a hungry demon wanting for blood.

Char-chan woke me up, and I let one live.

"Now, now tell me where you come from and how did you get here."

"I came here using the Gate, you can go there if you go in the Mountain."

"But, let me tell you, in our world this "Earth" is just like a nation."

"We have powerful demons, and don't worry, even if I die my lord will avenge me. Hahaha-"

I don't know who this lord he was talking about.

But, whoever hurts my family, I will kill you whoever you are.

Even if you are a god.

The teachers came already, I sliced some of my skin to pretend that I was beaten up.

After a few days, my Dad investigated the Gate they are talking about.

My dad asked me, if I was the one who defeated the demons.

But I made up a story that an unknown man showed up and beat them up.

The demon was right it was in the mountains.

"Hoshino, say "Ahh" here."

Though, why is Tachibana being chummy tummy with me.

Please don't do it, or Shiyo is going to kill you.

She is definitely staring at you with killing intent.

Even though you can't sense her I can definitely see her.

Let's go back a few day ago.

When tachibana woke up, she saw me wounded.

But, she got the wrong Idea.

She though that I defended her from the demons until the unknown man showed up.

And now Tachibana is trying to serve as a thanks.

"Hoshino, class is starting."

"Ahaha, see Haruki said it is starting already."

I dashed through Haruki, escaping from Tachibana.

I made a new friend, he's name is Haruki Ohto.

He is my very a precious friend and Dorm Mate.

Also among my classmates he is the first one who saw my eye.

And the only demon left is Tachibana, but I doubt they will not send more demons here.

Since, our mock battle was interrupted we made another one.

And my companions now are Tachibana and Haruki.

Haruki and Tachibana beat them up.

I was only standing at the side.

They were the one who fought, but they gave me glory, I didn't Accept it and ran.

I washed my face, trying to remove the dirt.

"Shiyo, come out?"

"I guess I was found out already, hehe" as shiyo scratched her head

What is shiyo doing here did something happen?

"What is it?"

I gave her a serious look.


Shiyo pushed me at the side.

What is this smell? Perfume?

"What are you trying to do?"

"We haven't been able to spend time together you know?"


I tilted my eyebrow trying to figure out what was the problem.

"What, do you mean "So?"!? and when you get home all you talk about is Tachibana."

Why is Shiyo angry? And she is punching me. Could it be Jealousy?

"Shiyo, could it be that you are jealous?"

"Master, do you really want me to say it?"

Yeah, I am right it is jealousy.

I pushed her, and I swapped our position.

I touched her hips and carry her.

I kissed her, not like any kiss but smooch.

To prove that she will always be mine and I will be always her.

"Stop! I won't kiss you if you won't show me your eyes."

Shiyo, lifted up the cover in my eyes.

Enough to see my one eye's.

And we kissed again.

But, shiyo is the one leading and her kisses improved.

While we are having our love time there.

"Hoshino. Come on where are you!"

"Oh, there you are- Sorry take your time."

Haruki, saw us.

I was panicking and I pushed shiyo.

"We will continue this later"

"Hehehe, okay master."

Shiyo suddenly disappeared.

But I remembered that I didn't tell shiyo, that today I will be staying at the Dorm.