

(Tachibana POV)

Up until now, no one has recognize me as a demon.

There are 24 demons that are in this world.

And I am one of that 24 demons.

The rest of the demons are also in this School.

But, I have to say I am gathering in formation.

And, this world is so small.

Unlike in our world, this world is just like a country.

But, never mind that.

A new classmate is coming in our class.

"Hello, I am Hoshino Maou, F RANK"

A foreigner?

And why are his eyes covered?

I raised my hand silently.

"Really? I can sit there, you are an SS RANK you know and I am F RANK"

NANI! His eyes were covered right? Then how did he know that I raised my hand.

There are only 3 people in this class that can feel my presence.

It must be just my imagination.

"Hello Tachibana, I am Hoshino you can call me Shino"

"Hello, Shino"

Wait, when did I tell him my name?

Well. It doesn't matter anyway.

"Good Morning Class"


Why is it like this every-day?

No one answer's whenever it is Sensei Stella.

"Oh, Sensei? You are our teacher!?"

Does he know who she is?

"Who are you?"

Nope, I got it wrong. They are not acquaintance at all.

"Me? I am Hoshino"

"Oh, Shino, what happened to you? Why do you cover your eyes, and your hair?"

Now, you can't answer recklessly, if you say something she will smack you.

"Secret, Teehee"

Now, sensei get mad at him.

"I see"

Whaat!? Why is sensei not angry?

"Hoshino, do you perhaps know her?"

"Yes, she was my teacher 10 years ago"

I see, I sighed with relief.

"Okay class, we will have a mock battle. Group, yourself"

I held my chest high, and acted mighty to show off how great I am.

10 minutes later, no one showed up.

"Tachibana? Why is no one trying to team up with you."

I should have expected this.

"It's because I am strong"

I explained and sighed.

Even if I am strong there is still someone stronger than me.

"Since, I am F RANK, why don't we team up?"

Huh, are even not afraid of me?

"Fine, but you have to stay at my back."


He hesitated? Could it be that you want to fight?

You are just an F RANK, and your enemies is S+ Rank.

I have no other choice, I just have to protect him.

"Also, a teacher will join you."

What? Hmm, maybe just a newcomer.

Wait, this presence, how could he be here?

"Hello, Everyone I am George, and I am the teacher that will join you."

Demon General George, one of strongest messenger's in our world.