

The next day, I observed and investigated the students in the school.

But there was another class that was only for specials.

I asked my dad.

"Dad, what's the special class for?"

He sighed as if he wanted to surprise me.

"That class was only for the strongest student or students that go through the tutorial."

I see, now that dad mentioned it their strength indeed is different.

Shiyo and Char-chan is spending the time at the market with my sister.

While, I was spying on that class a new student came.

But, her power was different, more like similar to mine.

And so I asked shiyo, about her information.

"Shiyo, can you give me her information?"

We communicated through telepathy.

"Here master."



I see, a demon huh.

I wonder how strong she is.

I am looking forward something big in this class.

2 days later, I am wearing a band and wrapped it in my eyes.

Even if I can't see I can sense the objects around me.

I dyed my air white.

Now you must be wondering why I covered my eyes and dyed my hair.

1 hour ago shiyo told me something.

Shiyo said, demons can know how strong they are by eyes and Hair.

Even if there's a human that will look you into eyes, they will just think that I have a cool eye.

But, when I show my eyes to demons, they will definitely bow down to you if not pass out.

They started the checking of stats.

Since my stats are error, I just have to change it.

They said that if you have 100+ stats, you will be called as a trash or F rank.

Since I am trying to not gain popularity.

"Now, let's see how strong the director's son is."

"He must be SS rank"

Sorry, but I am not like that.


When they saw the F RANK, they looked disappointed and they change their attitude.

"Ok, next."

Now, let's see how my school life will be.

"Hello, I am Hoshino Maou, F RANK"

I introduced my-self in-front of them.

They didn't listen to me and just said


I was trying to look for a sit, but they are covering the free seats.

So I was clearly disappointed in them.

But, the Demon Girl raised her hand and volunteered.

"Really? I can sit there, you are an SS RANK you know and I am F RANK"

I see, this Girl has some good personality, despite being a demon.