

"Have you calmed down"

As I sat beside them I was happy to see my baby sister. So I tried to hold the hand of my baby sister.

But the baby cried as soon as I touched her.

"So what were you doing? Why can't we find you in the last 11 years?"

"Hmm, I was busy? Also I found my family"

I don't want them to hear my dark past. So just let the bygones be bygones.

After our family meeting, we already ate dinner.

We were a happy family, so I will protect them no matter what.

I was walking midnight trying to eat.

I sneaked on my room and since Shiyo and Charlotte was in deep sleep.

After I was trying to get snacks, I saw dad trying to solve something.

So I walked through Dad and looked what was he trying to solve.

Since I can't read it I just asked.

"Dad, what's that?"

"A demon, if you meet someone just avoid fight's because they are very strong."

I see, so demons are pretty strong huh. I want to meet one and fight it, since all of the humans I have met so far are so weak.

"Have you met someone?"

My dad asked me, why would he ask me though? Can't he see my eyes is the same as the demon in the picture.

I looked at the mirror, and remember that I was wearing contact lens.

"I am one"

I became honest to my dad.

"Haha, you can't be"

Since my dad won't believe me, I tried to prove it to him. I removed my contact lens and looked at my dad.


My dad silenced, he was surprised just a second ago.

"I see you must be pretty strong, huh?"

"No, no"

Well, I don't really know how strong I am. But I know that dad is not a simple one.

"How, about a spar with me?"

"Sure, but are you going to use your partner?"

I asked, I was curious about dad's partner.

Dad, called out his partner.


Karasu? What's that a crow? It must be all black.

"What is it? So early in the morning"

Are my eyes deceiving me? I mumbled

I shaked my head and tried to clean my eyes.

Wasn't it supposed to be black, why is it white?

And it's taller than me.

"What's his form?"

I asked, I only saw his humanoid form, I was curious about its weapon form.

"A dual knife."

"I see, he's pretty cool huh."

"What about yours?"

I hesitated to answer, because I just want char-chan to have a normal life. Compared to what we experienced for thousands year, it is very tiring for her.

"I don't need one."

I held my chest high, with a very strong tone, trying to prove that I am really strong.

But I already planned this, I will try to act very weak.

"Oh right, after 2 days you will be enrolled in school."


"What's do you mean what? You are still minor you know?"

I was already about to say that I am older than you, but I can't say it.

I have no choice but to accept it.
