

"Dad, Mom I brought you a gift"

"Shh, be quiet the baby's sleeping"

Whoa, so that's my little sister, and my does father and mother's aura change. Their aura is more like strong and they didn't grow old.

"Shiyo, check their status." I mumbled

"Master, So far they are the strongest human we encountered so far"

I see well that's as expected, since they are the leader of humanity anyway.

When I was about to charge in shiyo said something weird, she said

"Master, their seems to be a demon beside that baby, and a low rank one. It seems that demon formed a blood impact on the baby"

I scratched my head trying to remember what blood impact is, since I was lazy to think I just asked shiyo.

"Master, Blood impact is like a form of contract where the demon will protect their master till death."

"why don't I have these skill"

"Since you are an error, and you are already a god to demons so it's normal that you won't have one."

I see, I just didn't mind the details and when I was about to rush to them since I wanted to surprise them.

"I am the gi-"

"Whoa, grandma and grandpa is so strong."

Wha, wha, Well it's fine since it's their granddaughter anyway. now I will be the next one.

"Hello, I am shiyo, charlotte's mother."

"Hello, charlotte and Shiyo, so who's the father? And isha said she brought gift are they the gift's?"

What, I can't let them steal my light, was what's on my head. I breath in and breath out as I open the door and shouted.

"Hello, Mom, and dad I am the gift you are talking about."

Hahaha, now clap.


"What, why ae they not surprised?" I mumbled

I was just standing there waiting for their response.

They started crying.

"Wha,wha, what did I do why are you crying?"

I was trying to comfort them and since I was panicking I can't do anything but mutter words.



Dad, jumped straight through me but I dodge him.

"Why did you dodge me? Is this how you hate your Dad?"


What are you saying dad, everyone would dodge you. Because with that body you can crush me with just a hug.

"Master, what's happening?"

"That's the reason why I don't want you to see my parent's"