

(Hoshino Maou POV)


"Huh? How did you know my name?"

"Aneki? Haha, aneki long time no see"

What is she doing here? I was trying to keep my power from my family as possible.

"Hahaha, aneki, what are you doing here?"


Huh? What is she doing?


Finally? I was dazed there because I didn't quite catch what she said.

"I finally get to see you again!"

"Ah, so that's what she meant" I mumbled

"There, there"

I hug back Aneki so that she would at least calm down. I patted her head since this is what I do when she cries in the past.

"Lead, you okay?"

"Alright, alright you are already a leader, don't show them you're embarrassing face."

When I looked at the face of the girl who called my Aneki lead, it was sorewa.

"Sorewa, short time no see."

"Shino-san, you know each other?"

Hahaha, I forgot to say to her that I have a family.

"Ah, this is my Aneki."

"Ah, I see."


Why is she surprised? As I covered my ears because of her shout.

"L-l-lead is your sister?"

"Sorewa, how is he?"


Eeeehhh, he's dead. Of course he's dead, she tried to sold my daughter, he deserves it.

"Master, all the monsters are de-"

I covered shiyo's mouth using my hand.

"Let's go home"

I was trying to convince my sister to go home so that we will not be disturbed by monster's anymore.

I gave Char-chan a piggy back and hold shiyos hand.

"Let's go meet my parents."

We take a new route since previous route was full of monsters. We finally came back in the green zone.

Sorewa leads the survivors in their shelter, so she need to separate to us.

I thought that our house would be just normal, I didn't know that our house would be a mansion.